Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Smash Wrestling: SMASH And wXw - NOVEMBER - TORONTO & LONDON (Hype Video)


By Bill Walkowitz

As usual the other so called "Major Wrestling News Sites" blew off reporting on this, it was 'major league' enough for them apparently for them to cover. So you can thank us here at WP&P for continuing to be THE VOICE for independent wrestling since obviously, the other sites seem to have 'other things to do' than to cover things like this.

We are SO excited to host our friends from wXw on their first overseas trip since the pandemic. Featuring Tristan Archer, Cara Noir, Maggot, Axel Tischer, Bobby Gunns & Robert Dreissker Tickets at smash-wrestling.com from 09.20 12:30PM EST


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