Thursday, September 1, 2022

Independence Pro Wrestling: IPW Battlefield (August 20, 2022)


IPW returns to Richland, MI. In the main event, two top contenders will go one on one for the chance to face IPW Champion Carter Gray at Grand Slam 2.

Ryan Matthias has chosen to leave Critical Content behind. Matthias wants to be in the main event scene in IPW. Despite his demands, Matthias will be competing in the opening contest and against his former tag team partner KJ Reynolds. Which of these two is ready to move up in the rankings as a singles competitor?

Despite pleading with IPW matchmakers, Jimmy Shalwin was placed into a tag team match. Over the past year, Shalwin has been betrayed by every friend and ally he has made. Will Shalwin be able to trust his partner? Their opponents will be the final two remaining members of Golden Standard.

All that and more, this is BATTLEFIELD!

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