Friday, August 5, 2022

Road Dogg Begging For A Job, Tony Khan's "Booking Brilliance", NODQ News Site Busted, And More


By Bill Walkowitz 

Lots of things to cover with Begging for a job that obviously, isn't coming, the billionaire 'booker of the year' (cough cough) and his 'booking brilliance (yeah right) and other things so welcome to the latest edition of... 

So ol Road Dogg has been whining and crying wondering why Tony Khan won't open up his check book and offer him a job. "That's what I keep saying: 'I'm not retired, I'm unemployed.' And I see things on Tony Khan's TV show that appall me. I could help with that. I have been begging him for a job on every platform I can and I want to know the reason why he won't hire me." is the quote he used recently. But now he's trying a 'new' tactic that I guess he thinks is gonna get him hired at AEW. On Busted Open Radio he recently said "I'm going to change my tactic, watch this. I don't want a job, Tony. I'm good, thank you. Truth be told, I'd love to work there because I do think I could make his television show better for the viewer." 

Nothing like openly begging for something that obviously isn't coming. Maybe he forgot when also said on his own podcast that you know he's getting paid to do (so he's not broke and bankrupt) that AEW TV looks like "an indie show that somebody filmed with some nice cameras."

HHHMMM, for a guy who's claiming to be 'begging' for a job, making fun of the company you're begging to work for probably wasn't the right way to go and 'apply' for a job there, dumb ass. 

So just be happy you're going to be able to "sit in" at Impact's Emergence show. I'm sure someone's paying you to be THERE, so be happy you're able to go there. Because when you make fun of a company you claim to be begging to work for, and a job offer isn't coming? Guess what dummy, you pretty much blew whatever small chance you had with those quotes. Besides even if, IF Tony were to hire you, what makes you think he'd listen to anything you had to say? He already HAS people who have producing and booking and over all true wrestling knowledge working for him, and he doesn't listen to them. So what makes you think he'll listen to you? Guess what, he won't.  There's an Iron Maiden song that fits perfectly for this, "The Writing On The Wall". That's what Road Dogg should do, see the writing on the wall because Tony Khan obviously "has nothing for you". 


Tony Khan thinks he knows it all when it comes to booking wrestling, I bet you ask him, he'll tell you. And here's a GREAT example of that "Booking Brilliance" right here. The whole Ricky Starks vs. Danhausen, vs. Hook, followed by Powerhouse Hobbs turning on Starks segment. If you're looking for a perfect definition of Illogical? This is it. Not one thing in this segment made any fucking sense, nothing, and having Taz stay on commentary and NOT go to the ring when Hobbs clipped Starks from behind? Or even when his son came to challenge for the FTW title? Shows the "Brilliance" that's now Tony Khan's booking. 

Everything you could possibly see wrong when it comes to booking was in this segment, everything. Having Taz stuck on commentary sounding like a clueless putz for all of this is the most obvious gap when it comes to logic. I watched this and everything I learned from the late Sylvano Sousa (who ran the AWF in New England), Fred Sparta (former WWF referee who was close to Pat Patterson and learned a lot of booking ideas from him when he had WWA New England going), picking the brains of Dory Funk jr, Bruce and Tom Prichard (who worked the WWF training Dojo that headlined WWA New England shows) as well as Jim Cornette, ALL came to light as i was watching this going, "what the fuck is all this shit, none of this makes any sense". 

But you 'just know', Tony Khan would find a way to explain how it does make sense, even though any wrestling fan or 'mark' with the I.Q. higher than a doorknob could see, it doesn't. 

And since I mentioned Cornette, you can hear his review and how he laid it out to where anyone with any smarts could see this mess didn't make any sense, in any way, shape, or form.

If I ever needed another reason why I can't stand AEW, thanks to Tony Khan's "Booking Brilliance", this is it. So Thanks Tony, thanks for showing why you are, the billionaire money mark who shouldn't be booking anything, let alone a wrestling company. This segment right here shows you have absolutely no idea, what the fuck, you're doing. 


Well well, it looks like besides Mike Johnson at PWInsider getting stories wrong and Dave Meltzer who's notorious at making shit up willy nilly and getting caught, we now have NO DQ Wrestling news site join the line of liars who have to make shit up so they could get views on their site.

Nothing like getting publicly busted for making up bullshit, eh? 

And this is why we here at WP&P a long time ago, stopped referencing PWInsider, Meltzer and other sites because the other sites just churn out whatever Johnson and Meltzer put out, and they think by name dropping those two names, it makes their site seem 'relevant'.  PPPSSST, guess what, it doesn't, coming up with your own shit like we do here at WP&P does. There's a concept for you.


 Which brings us to this story, One I posted a couple days back.

Stephen Rodgers, Jack Reynolds and Eric Kilpatrick all have become regular fans of this site all used the 'contact form' that's on this site to ask why the other sites didn't pick up on this story. 

Simply put, they didn't want to acknowledge the fac that I, or this site had the story before them. it would've stung their little egos to credit this site with the story so they ALL, just chose to ignore it. (shrugs) fine by me because when it does happen people will know that this site was the ONLY site that broke the story, and nobody else. 

Which I find very hilarious since staff members from WrestlingInc and PWInsider still, come here to get their story ideas to use 'over there'. Kellie Haulotte and Eric Mutter who 'write' for WrestlingInc as well as Paul Jordan of PWInsider routinely get stuff from here at WP&P to use as 'their' stories 'over there'. Raj Giri who owns WrestlingInc, Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer hate this site but seem okay with their own staff members getting story ideas from this site. A very "special kind" of mentality there to say the least. 

Case in point is this one by Kellie, that she did two days ago. 

How obvious is it that she stole it from this site? Well seeing that I, Donnie Henderson and Gino Bradley routinely post the videos of NJPW backstage comments, and no other site does.. It doesn't take a math magician to figure out where she got it from. 

Nothing like taking something that happens to be as I write this, listed as one of the "Most Popular" posts on this site. Just go and make it real obvious where you got it from. 

Needless to say, I always said those other, ahem 'journalists' aren't always the smartest mother fuckers walking the earth. 

And right there, was a classic example of that opinion (smiles).

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