Monday, August 8, 2022

PWInsider Does A Story WP&P Did, Six Days Ago

I'm a guy who checks out what other wrestling news sites and pages do, then compare to how we approach what we post here at Wrestling Past And Present. So you can imagine my amusement when Mike Johnson at PWInsider posts a story on AAW having a champion defend their title at the upcoming Impact TV tapaings. 

The amusement of course is because head staff writer here at WP&P Bill Walkowitz covered this story in a post, six days ago.

It's taken PWInsider six days to catch up to something that was covered here, six days ago. Dave Scherer the man who boasts and brags about being the only owner of PWInsider has called WP&P a "bottom feeder" site. If WP&P is a bottom feeder site then why has it taken your site six days, to catch up to what we reported first? I'll be sure to ask him and I'm sure he's going to avoid answering, or he'll try and snitch on me to my email carrier since that's what he does which I covered  personally. 

Here's the story PWInsider put up today.

Six days before today, was Bill Walkowitz's post on the very same thing. 

Bill posted a link to where the angle that leads up to this title defense happened, on an AAW show. Six days ago no other site saw it or felt it was worth reporting, hence Bill's naming of all the sites that blew it off. But now they're coming up with it when they could've done it six days ago and credited WP&P for having the story first. They couldn't bear having to admit that a "bottom feeder" site got the one up on all the big name places. If you want to actually watch how the angle went down leading up to this title defense, check it out at this link

The one thing I have loved about contributing to this site, is not once have we got a story wrong, we don't try and scam people like 'certain other sites' have done and we post things the other places won't do because we did it or in this case, take almost a week to catch up to what we did first. As long as they continue to be laser focused on trying to milk every WWE and AEW story they can, we'll be the ones covering what they won't spend time on. We really should thank PWInsider for waiting six days to cover something we did first, it makes them look pretty minor league and it's no wonder why we get a lot of their fans over here on a daily basis now. Their negligence has helped our success so thank you for helping make WP&P a success with your negligence. 

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