Saturday, August 27, 2022

Impact "Signs" Someone Who's Already Competing There, Calling Thunder Rosa Out, Stealing Our Story Ideas, "Defending" Dave Scherer And More


By Bill Walkowitz

The "silliness' still plagues Impact Wrestling, a writer from PWInsider steals our story ideas, Someone tries to "defend" Dave Scherer, and more. This is the new edition of...

Did you see the announcement of Impact Wrestling's "new" signing? The HUGE announcement on Twitter of them 'signing' someone who's been competing there since 2019, Jessika Havok.

How the fuck do you announce then 'signing' of someone who's been working for your company since 2019? This is precisely the kind of dumb shit that has me stop watching a company's product.. I had stopped watching after Don Callis claimed after he became booker that he was going to get rid of the "silliness that has plagued Impact Wrestling" (his own words), but didn't and actually just added to it. His onscreen presence had that "go away and don't come back" kind of heat, which I got reminded of when I took the time to watch him in his segment with Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks on AEW. His part in the segment made absolutely no sense whatsoever and added to the reasons why AEW is such a headache to watch. 

I DID start watching some of it again when Christian went from AEW to Impact and became Impact World Champion. That stuff I enjoyed and the beginning of the Honor No More invasion was interesting to watch but over the course of time, that 'silliness' reared its ugly head back and with this "GRAND" signing of someone who's already been wrestling there, this shows that even with Callis gone from the booking job, they STILL can't get rid of the silliness that has infected their product for years. Donnie Henderson who contributes to this site is the huge Impact fan and even he said to me today that signing "Jessika" was one of the dumbest things he's ever seen Impact do. I can't say, I disagree with him.

Thunder Rosa this past Friday appeared on Busted Open Radio claiming her injury wasn't a work, 'claiming' she was in bed and can't feel her legs. HHHMMM, if you can't feel your legs don't you think being at a hospital would be more important than doing a radio appearance? Was she IN bed doing that radio appearance? And what doctor is going to 'clear' her to wrestle if she just claimed she can't feel her legs? 

It's funny how all these little details oar above the heads of all the other so called "Wrestling Journalists" and I'm always the one who sees when shit doesn't add up. Or maybe they're just not smart enough to see thru the bullshit OR, don't have the balls to call her out on it because they're afraid of making her mad and she won't do interviews with them anymore. Either way since I am, the "asshole in the room" I'll do what they won't do and call her out on this bullshit. And since she made the following statement? I'm gonna call her straight out on this as well. She said, " "If anyone has a problem with me, anyone, call Busted Open, call my number, you can tell me to my face. I don't hide from problems, I don't run from my problems. You can talk to me. My door is open,"

Okay, give me your number. I'll call you since you "don't run" and your door is always open. Give me your number and I'll gladly say all this to you. 

I know three people who know Rosa and will be showing her this, so I can assure you? Silence will be her answer to me calling her out. The silence from her will be starting right, about, now. 

This isn't the first time she's been 'checked'  by me, you can check out the last time I put her in her place here

When THAT story came out? THIS is how 'open' her door was and THIS is how she "doesn't run" when something comes up that makes her look bad.


Several people asked if any of us here at WP&P (Donnie Henderson, Gino Bradley, or myself) watched Ric Flair's last match. I myself had no interest in it whatsoever and any small chance of having a small interest, got shattered when Jeff Jarrett got added to it. It's been well known with people who know me that I'm no fan of Jeff Jarrett, I had respected him for what he's done but something he did at a show I locally promoted for WWA New England in 1998. Ever since that moment, which I will outline in full detail next week when I write up another "The Asshole In The Room" column, Any respect I had for Jarrett went out the window.  Now the other two writers here, Donnie and Gino, THEY wanted to see it, so I handed them a link to a site where they could watch it for free. That way if they were disappointed they didn't waste any money in order to have that experience. 

Since Gino Bradley our other staff member is taking time away from posting and contributing to tend to health issues with his parents, I'm gonna answer the letters that have come thru our contact form on our site, or have been sent to

Lisa Hernandez sent this one in.

Do you think notice the difference between how well run the independent shows they appear on are, compared to the illogical booking and angles Tony Khan has in AEW?

I would certainly hope so. I've seen it in how certain companies pushed AEW talent better than Tony Khan has pushed that same talent on AEW shows. The most blatant example is how well DEFY Wrestling is run and how theyt pushed Christopher Daniels as their champion. Look at how Khan uses Daniels on Dynamite and Rampage, that says it all as an example that Tony Khan doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. Before Shane Strickland became tag team champion with Keith Lee, Khan wasn't booking him correctly but look at how Strickland was used in Over The Top Wrestling and I bet he could see the difference. If I was working for AEW and I saw how better run indy groups were and then went back to an AEW taping? I'd be like "Geezuz what kind of garbage booking is this". The fact the Young Bucks didn't want to do the job for Shane and Lee is the most evident that certain people shouldn't be booking anything. And I keep saying it's sad that nobody in AEW has the balls to tell Tony Khan that he has no clue what he's doing, and how most of the shit he puts on his shows doesn't make sense and is indeed, shit. The fact that 200,000 people saw Dynamite was a shit show and went to watch something else is quite another blatant example, but of course Tony Khan deflected that fact by touting ratings in the UK. The sad reality is, the only person who thinks Tony Khan knows what he's doing is, Tony Khan. Just ask him and I'm sure he'll tell you. 

Jack Reynolds wrote this one.

Is it just me or has Paul Jordan (PWInsider) been stealing your stories? I noticed you posted videos of Booker T talking about Jeff Jarrett's departure and Kenny Omega's promo on AEW, but soon after Paul posted the very same thing. He stole that from you guys, right?

Of course he did, he takes stuff from this site on a weekly basis. And when someone calls him out on it, he doesn't even TRY and deny it. Here's the irony. Paul 'writes' for a site whose owners hate me personally and really dislike this site's existence, yet Paul comes to a site the people he writes for hates, to get story ideas to post on the site he 'writes' for. They truly do have a very "special kind" of logic over there at PWInsider, 'very special kind' of logic, indeed. But I guess that's how Dave Scherer runs PWInsider "like a business" (smiles).

Which leads me to this last letter that was sent thru our 'contact form'. Under the name "SchererMark" of all things.

When are you guys going to stop belittling Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson? Why don't you post their responses to the things you write about them? Dave Scherer's a decent dude, dude.

As soon as either one of them want to come and say something to me, directly? I'll be more than happy to post it here. here, in the FB group of the same name, s well as my main FB page. So why don't YOU, go get THEM to actually say something to ME, directly? There's a concept. They prefer to hide behind their podcast that only 'paid subscribers' can hear to say shit, as well as talk shit to people who send them links to this site, than have a set to come to me. What does that say about THEM? 

Besides, THIS, is what you're trying to defend, this right here. 

If you wanna go and defend someone who says that, knock yourself out. But you're gonna have to scape up a much better argument, because when he says stupid shit like that, there's really nothing to defend. Admitting he goes thru life as a moron isn't something someone should really be proud of. But, at least he's honest about it and honest about what he is, I'll give him that (smiles). 

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