Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Who Was Dumb Enough To Try And Scam Their Subscribers YET AGAIN? (Looks At PWInsider)


By Bill Walkowitz

Seriously, is there anyone in the world of wrestling news sites any more stupid than Mike Johnson at PWInsider?

Apparently not.

Not even a week ago I busted him again, for trying to scam his "Elite Members" by posting something in the Elite Members section (meaning dumb fucks actually PAY to allow themselves to be scammed) something that was for free on YouTube. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/07/since-pwinsider-cant-seem-to-smarten-up.html

So what do you think one would do after getting publicly outted and exposed for trying scam over and over again and failing? You'd think he's smarten up, wise up, something.. And stop doing it, right?

NNAAA, not if you're Mike Johnson apparently. 

So since he insists on continuing to be this stupid, I'll be more than happy to show him he is this stupid. He makes it so obvious, maybe he just enjoys being a dumb ass. 

So here you go, since Mike Johnson can't himself and seems to have a serious scamming problem, here's where he gets busted yet again.

This time he's using Conrad Thompson's Starrcast media call, claiming it's 'exclusive' to just HIS 'Elite members'.

This is SSOOOO 'exclusive' that ooh LOOK, here's how 'exclusive', it isn't.

Yeah Mikey, RREEAALL 'Exclusive' there, LMAO!

Three other sites have it up for free on YouTube while Mike posts it only, for his "Paid Subscribers".

If that isn't the definition of stupid....

So I'll be the nice guy, HERE's a link to where you can go ahead and hear that media call for free, right over at PWInsider's 'friends', WrestlingInc. 


Remember Dave Scherer claims to be the ONLY owner of PWInsider and runs says he runs PWInsider "like a business".

Something like this, constantly getting caught using the same ol failed scam? is called bad business. Someone smarten Scherer up to that fact, okay? maybe he'll listen to some of you. 

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