Thursday, July 21, 2022

Since PWInsider Can't Seem To Smarten Up, We'll Go Ahead And Bust Them, AGAIN


By Bill Walkowitz

In what has become a favorite segment amoung viewers of this site, we can again thank Mike Johnson for making this segment a favorite. 

Here he is again, AGAIN trying to scam those elite members/subscribers with something he 'claims' is exclusive only to them and of course, those subscribers keep falling for it).

Instead of going on a long rant again, I'll once again show how wrong Mike Johnson ius. He must enjoy being proven wrong because he keeps doing this. Or, he's just that iognorant that he doesn't care if he's trying to scam his subscribers or not.

Here's the same call, for free as usual on YouTube.

Once again, nice try Mikey. Someday I hope you'll smarten up, if not I'll thanks to you always have a great segment that viewers here enjoy to see.

The choice of yours, is yours.

I just wonder, why.. Do these elite subscribers/members allow themselves to keep being scammed like this? Funny how nobody wants to try and answer that, HHMM.

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