Monday, July 18, 2022

Jim Cornette Reviews Young Bucks vs. Lee & Swerve vs. Hobbs & Starks on AEW Dynamite


By Bill Walkowitz

I openly said to everyone who asked me, that The Young Bucks wouldn't 'do the job'. They would refuse to be pinned in this match to drop the tag team titles (They're EVP's so we all know they book their matches so they always look good). 

Guess who came out being right, again (smiles). Even Stevie Wonder could see I was going to be right and yes, sorry to say? I called it exactly right, Young Bucks wouldn't do the job themselves.

Nice to se my PayPal account has $200 in it for all the bets i won with that spot on prediction. Maybe I should thank the Young Bucks for refusing to job, because their refusal made me money, LOL!

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