Thursday, July 7, 2022

Forbidden Door or Money In The Bank, Indy Groups Use AEW Talent Better Than AEW, PWInsider Comes To WP&P For A News Item


By Bill Walkowitz

Forbidden Door or Money In The Bank, Indy Groups Use AEW Talent Better Than AEW, and PWInsider Comes To WP&P For A News Item. Welcome to the latest edition of....

Four people I know on Facebook asked me, if I had a choice between watching AEW's pay per view or WWE's Money In The Bank pay per view, which one would I prefer to watch?

Instead of going with A or B, I went with Option C, neither. 

Most people who know me know I haven't watched WWE's scripted promos, churning out bad gimmick wrestlers and creatively challenged Creative Department's shows in over ten years. And every time I go and watch one snippet of any of their shows, including NXT UK, I get reminded why I don't watch what they put out. AEW claimed to be this 'great alternative to WWE", I'm still waiting for them to back up that claim since they do so much of what WWE does, that (along with bad, illogical booking that only Tony Khan seems to think is 'brilliant', horrible no selling ny most of the wrestlers, etc) their shows give me the same headache I get from watching WWE shows.

I openly said that I wouldn't either show, even if it was for free. And since the other two writers here at WP&P (Gino Bradley and Donnie Henderson) said they would watch them if they were free? I gave them a link to a site that has both of them pay per views to watch for free. I think Donnie's gonna be writing about how he wasted an hour fast forwarding thru both shows, they were so bad. He spent more time on them i would have because he spent an hour on them? I won't give either pay per view one minute of my time. 

I mean seriously, WWE's presentation to me has bee the shits for years so why am i gonna give myself a migraine watching that, and Tony Khan, along with whoever else is helping in 'that' creative department really thought having a bunch of New Japan wrestlers that most people here in the states never heard of, on a pay per view called "Forbidden Door" meant something. I know, I know, ol Tony claims he made five million dollars from that show but how? I have no idea unless there's many many people who don't know any better who bought that shit show. 

I watch New Japan Wrestling so I'm a little familiar with who they had on the pay per view, but what about the fan who has no clue about Japanese wrestling, let alone New Japan Pro Wrestling? Is it too much to ask to actually EDUCATE your fan base a little? When you have a Japanese guy come out to the ring, how about EXPLAINING why he's supposed to be such a big deal in New Japan? Some build up, history or character development on why he's supposed to be a 'big name' in Japan would do wonders for the fan base you have and are trying to build. Is it too much trouble to pout a little bit of time and effort into doing that?

Apparently, it is. So instead of doing that, "aaahh fuck it, just shove him out there, they'll know who he is". Most don't and this kind of booking is lazy as fuck, or just fucking ignorant on the person who made the decision to do that.


If you're like me and know there's more than the major feds out there you can watch, maybe you've seen what I've seen, which is how AEW talent is used better on Indy shows than Tony Khan uses them in his own company. Which goes to the inexperienced booking of a money mark who thinks everything he books is awesome (rolls eyes) when it's not. His shitty use of great talent, or regulating them the YouTube show shows he really needs to (but won't cause he doesn't have them kind of balls) to step aside and let someone who has REAL, booking experience, take over and show Khan how it's supposed to be done.

I'll give you some examples so you can see for yourself what I mean.

I posted this day before yesterday, Christopher Daniels in DEFY Wrestling. You want a very blatant example of how well indie groups use AEW talent better than AEW does, take the time to watch this.

In that promo he goes and challenges Swerve Strickland to a match, in DEFY. That match will undoubtedly be awesome to watch and you can see actual build up for it by Daniels. Unfortunately, Tony Khan's lack of real wrestling knowledge shows in how HE, has under utilized "The Fallen Angel". 

And further example of how AEW talent does better in indie matches than in AEW matches? Watch this match. Daniels vs Lee Moriarty.

Those two told more of a story in that two minute highlight clip, than 95% of the AEW matches I have seen. No thumbtacks, no fake looking punches, actual 'selling' in the match (something most of the AEW roster either doesn't know HOW to do, or don't WANT to do) and this was presented in a way where the match actually MEANT something. Too bad the creators that be in AEW won't take the time to take notes from this because they could actually learn something, if they did.

Then there's Wheeler Yuta. Khan obviously has no clue what to do with him in his company, BUT.. See what happens when Yuta wrestles elsewhere? 

Match against Jay White on New Japan's STRONG show.

Match against Jeff Cobb in Beyond Wrestling

Yuta vs Jonathan Gresham (Beyond Wrestling)

Yuta vs MJF (Beyond Wrestling)

I can keep going but you see what I mean..

And Shane Strickland? From OTT Wrestling just a couple months ago.

Just how an indy company presents him and how he gets over, compared to in AEW is almost like night and day. Too Bad Tony Khan can't see this and actually do something to improve how he uses talent compared to what he's doing now which really isn't working when it comes to improving your fan base numbers. Even if somebody DID grow a set and have the balls to tell Khan his product is pretty shitty. I bet Tony wouldn't listen because HE'S, the one who 'knows best', don't ya know (lol).


And finally, another case of amusing irony thanks to our 'pals' over at PWInsider. 

Remember this is the very site where the owners Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson have slammed WP&P, slammed me, and get even more pissed when I've caught Mike Johnson trying to scam his paid elite subscribers posting something he 'claims' is exclusive only, to his Elite members, but is so 'exclusive anyone can see it on YouTube. 

So what does ol Mikey Johnson himself do? He comes and blatantly steals the news item of an upcoming Catalyst Wrestling show and cuts and pastes EXACTLY what we posted here, 'over there' on his site. He didn't even try, and be slick about it. he just came and took it. 

Before you Mike Johnson sympathizers cry out and demand proof, I already have it. because proof IS, a mother fucker, and I'll always be the mother fucker who supplies proof.

Here's when we posted it. Look at the time stamp of the post. 

7:40 PM.. Now look when Mike posted it, TWELVE HOURS later, cut and pasting it EXACTLY how we posted it. 

Now did any OTHER wrestling news site hype this show? Meltzer's site? Nope. WrestlingInc? NNAAA, Sportskeeda,, Torch, Bleacher Report Wrestling? Wrestlerumors or the dozen other sites that are on Twitter? Forget it, they all just cover the major federations and barely if ever give any time to an indy promotion, unless it's Game Changer Wrestling, or something like that. So it's very obvious where he got the info from. HE either came here himself or one of the two other staff members that write for his site that come here on a regular basis, cut, pasted and gave it to Johnson. It's been noted before that Paul Jordan has openly taken stuff from this site to use over at that site. Jordan doesn't even tray and deny it either. 

It's funny that for all their slamming on me and this site, they still have to come here to get stories or news for their site. A very amusing irony to say the least. he was so lazy he didn't even post the hype video for the upcoming show (shakes head).


I told our other staff writers I was writing this and Donnie Henderson handed me something that's very interesting. It's an email from Dave Scherer at PWInsider and after i saw it, it gave me an interesting observation I know, if they get called out on it, they'll avid commenting and will report/snitch on anyone who does try to message them on it.

If PWInsider 'is a business' as Dave Scherer claims, then how is it, that trying to scam your paid subscribers and getting caught time and time again, is 'good' for 'Business"? 

I'd love to see someone call them out and see if they can get an actual answer from them.. Odds are, they won't get shit.

I'll end this with this bit of news concerning Mr. Scherer and Mr. Johnson. Donnie Henderson, who gave me permission to use the email from Scherer I posted here, showed me some other emails he's gotten from Johnson and Scherer. Some interesting statements and actions by them I didn't even know about. Things I'm pretty 'sure' they wouldn't want known publicly but they're GOING to be made public on this very site before the end of the week. 

Donnie is going to compile all the emails from Scherer and Johnson, he's going to make screen shots of all of them and he's going to write an article about it that'll be posted here on WP&P before the end of the week. The level of saying stupid shit they go to, especially by Scherer will be amusing to read and will show he really isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I got a look at a couple of these emails and I'll be looking forward to seeing what Donnie does with them, and how he uses them in the article he's going to write.

It might be a good lesson on how some people like them, would be better off if they kept their mouths shut, instead they accomplished something throwing insults, thinking those words that'll sure show what great representatives of the 'business' they own. 

Sucks that can't take back what they said or did, what sucks even more is now it's gonna come back to haunt them (smiles) couldn't happen to a better pair of guys (smiles even more). 

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