Monday, July 25, 2022

Chris Jericho Admits He's Never Going to "Job" Ever Again (Hope Tony Khan Is Happy With That Decision)


By Bill Walkowitz

At least he's honest about it,. LOL. The 'Wizard' as he's currently calling himself this month feels he's 'above' elevating anyone in the company he works for. I guess he's above coming up with great wresting ideas too, eh?

I'm sure some AEW "mark" is going to chime in and claim he was trying and failing to be sarcastic, or that he was joking when he said that.

If you look at how he's won every feud in AEW, and HASN'T put anyone over? No, he wasn't joking. 

Joking or not, the fact he openly said this does send, a bad message, no matter how you look at it.. 

The person who sent me that screen shot asked that I take his Twitter Handle" out.. Some may know him, some may not but what I do know? He does contribute to one of the major "well known" newsletter sites that are out there

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