Saturday, June 25, 2022

Some People Never Learn As Mike Johnson Of PWInsider Is Caught ONE MORE TIME Scamming His Paid Subscribers


By Bill Walkowitz

Insanity is when someone does the same thing over and over, and over again? And expects different results. After awhile you come to find out that something needs to change because the results of getting caught doing the same thing over and over again, gets to be too embarrassing. In the case of PWinsider's Mike Johnson, he obviously doesn't want to learn that lesson because here he is again. Scamming his "Elite Members" who pay for this 'elite membership' with something that was available for free on YouTube.

The above screen grab obviously shows Mikey trying to again, pawn off a Tony Khan media call as something 'exclusive' that only his paid membership will have access to.

Once again, he's wrong and once again I'm gonna have to be the one who shows just how 'exclusive' it wasn't. Why Mike continues to think this scam works when he keeps getting caught is something we should file in the 'unsolved mysteries' file. Because it's a fucking mystery why Mike Johnson hasn't smartened up by now. You'd think he would after getting caught so may times but maybe, just maybe he just isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. OR, he's just a dumb ass who no matter how many people try and dumb it down for him, just doesn't want to listen.

Here again is the screen shot that you see above, where Mike's claim that the media call is 'available exclusively' for his elite members.

And now here's proof that Mike's full of shit (again) with that claim.

YYEEP, yesssiirreee, it sure was 'available exclusively' alright (shakes head). Good call Mikey, good call on that one (sarcastic 'thumbs up'), nice to see you were so 'on top of things' when you made that ASSumption. 

As usual, proof is, a mother fucker and I'll always be a mother fucker who has proof. So obviously this is further proof that Mike Johnson's 'scamming skills' aren't as good as he thinks they are.

I've shown before that this isn't the first time he's tried this and in the end made an ass out of himself for trying it. Hell this is the second time he's used a Tony Khan media call and got caught. But I guess after getting caught trying to use Tony Khan and Cody Rhodes to try and put over something as 'exclusive' when it's not, why change tactics when he can do the same thing and keep looking like a dumb ass.

Here's proof he's been caught several times doing this and is obviously not smart enough, to smarten up.

I can keep listing example after example of this because Mike Johnson keeps doing this and as you can see, continues to get caught doing it.

Some people never learn, some people must like looking like a dumb ass. 

Thankfully we here at WP&P will never have to stoop to this level to try and get people to pay for a subscription. We thankfully have higher standards and a better definition of what professionalism is.

Someday those elite members are gonna get tired of paying Mike to scam them, someday, but obviously it won't be today

But if he wants to continue to show his lack of professionalism with tactics like this? I'll continue to be more than happy to bust him out on it.

After all, he does, make it so easy to do.. And he obviously doesn't have the common sense to stop. So this is what you get when you become an 'elite member' at PWInsider. you literally pay Mike to scam you.

How does THAT, make you feel.

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