Monday, June 13, 2022

Raychell Rose vs Holidead - Rise of the Vixens III


Holidead defends her MPW Championship vs Raychell Rose in this exclusive from VWR "Rise of the Vixens III"

This match features two of the top athletes in women's wrestling today. Holidead is the current Mission Pro Wrestling champ (promotion ran by Thunder Rosa in Texas) and has agreed to put her title on the line. Across the ring is former Vixens champ, Raychell Rose, who also holds championships in other promotions in the state. Both ladies have been seen in Mission Pro as well as AEW. See who gets the gold here at Rise of the Vixens.

Live from Booker T’s World Gym Arena in Texas City, TX. Commentary from Jacob King, Emily Taylor & Haley Danielle

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