Saturday, June 18, 2022

Memphis Wrestling - Episode #69 | RHINO vs K TOOMER


JUNE 18, 2022 | With a brand new, first-EVER Internet Champion crowned - what's next for Outlandish Zicky Dice? PLUS, the MANBEAST is here to go 1 on 1 with the MASTER of FATJITSU! We've reinforced the ring for this contest! Buckle up for the fastest hour in professional wrestling!

Here's the card for today's program... SINGLES MATCH | SIMON vs RYAN REMBRANDT 1/2 on the Tag Team Champions, Simon, is in action against Remarkable Ryan Rembrandt. So many questions here... tune in for answers! SINGLES MATCH | BIG TROUBLE BEN BISHOP vs DNA The biggest man in Memphis Wrestling is in action again this week! Big Trouble Ben Bishop is fired up and ready for a FIGHT! WHAT'S NEXT FOR INTERNET CHAMPION ZICKY DICE? After his controversial victory for the Internet Championship last week... Zicky Dice has to face the music. What's next? WHO'S NEXT? MIKE ANTHONY VISITS THE WRESTLECENTER TRAINING This one isn't for the weak of heart. You can only imagine what happened when Memphis Heritage Champion paid a visit to the trainees of the WrestleCenter... MAIN EVENT | RHINO vs K TOOMER K Toomer issued the challenge on Memphis Wrestling. Rhino has accepted. Now, it's time to FIGHT! And Rhino promises that it's going to be... HARDCORE!!

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