Monday, June 27, 2022

Dax Harwood Addresses The Fans Who ‘Sh*t On’ Sasha Banks Following Her WWE Walkout


 By Gino Bradley

In a new article in the New York Post, Harwood commented on how much he can relate to Sasha Banks for making the polarizing decision to walk out before “WWE Raw” on May 16. Banks and her fellow Women’s Tag Team Champion Naomi decided to leave the building before they were scheduled to compete in a six-pack challenge match. The next day, Harwood shared his support for his friend on social media.

“Cash and I did the same thing, and a lot of fans for some reason had decided that we were crybabies and we whined and we should have just done our job and shut up,” Harwood said. As The Revival, he and Wheeler made a point to stand up for themselves during their run in WWE, and they eventually left the company due to creative differences.

“If I would have just stuck around and stayed in the same position that we were in, there’s no way our brand would’ve grown,” Harwood continued. “So I know exactly what she’s going through, what she’s feeling. And she probably was feeling that ‘I don’t feel respected and I could be doing way more and if I continue to stick around I’m going to continue to get pushed to the side.’”

Negativity can be the name of the game when it comes to having a social media presence, and Harwood foresaw that coming for Banks when she stepped out.

“For fans to sh*t on her, or sh*t on us, because we want better for ourselves and tell us just to shut up and take the money, man that’s hard to read every day,” he said. “So that’s why I wanted to show that support to her.

Standing their ground has paid off for Harwood and Wheeler, as it was just last night that FTR became the new IWGP Tag Team Champions at Forbidden Door. Banks, meanwhile, was reportedly released by WWE earlier this month following the walkout — though that has yet to be confirmed — and has appeared with a new look, no longer sporting her signature vibrantly-colored hair.

It doesn't look like Banks is worried about walking out on Vince McMahon, not worried at all about it.


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