Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Why "Read" About What Someone Said When You Can See The Actual Video Of It? Some "Wrestling Journalists" Just Aren't That Smart


By Bill Walkowitz

A couple people sent me this (Special Thanks to Michelle Willis and Stephen Rodgers) and this is precisely, what I and the other staff members here at WP&P have been talking about. We say it almost every week. WHY would someone 'read' something someone said when you can just look at the video and HEAR, what they said first hand?

It's not like WrestlingInc Writer Matthew Wilkinson had something really 'exclusive', all he did was write out quotes and never even BOTHERED, to supply a link to

the video he got the quotes from. 

As I love to say, many 'wrestling journalists' aren't that smart, and here's the latest example of that.

Why go thru all that time and effort to type out all this and post it when a site like us here at WP&P will post the video of it so people can hear the quotes themselves? People would rather watch the video or listen to the audio, than read the quotes you typed out. it's just simple fact and common sense. 

It's the same thing when other 'writers' go thru all this time and energy to write up an "MLW Report" or "OVW Report" when people will just come here and see we posted the video. Why 'read' about the show when you can actually WATCH the show? DDUUHH!

But hey, thank you Mr. Wilkinson for taking all that time, all that effort to post that. because the fact that I can supply the link to the video of everything you typed out? Proves more point in so many ways.

So to you Matthew? Thank you for again, proving my point.

Since Mr. "WrestlingInc Staff Writer" didn't feel compelled enough to even give you a link to where he lifted the quotes from, I'll be more than happy to do it.


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