Tuesday, May 3, 2022

No Comments From Cornette And Last, Debut Show Draws 50 People, News Site Owners Have Nothing To Say, And More


By Bill Walkowitz

After I did a story on Kenny Bolin being threatened with a lawsuit by Jim Cornette and Stephen P. New, I reached out twice to both Cornette and Brian last about this. A screen grab and link to the story is below.


I received no answer from either of them on my inquiry about this, so that means no answer IS, the answer. They don't want to, or are just refusing to comment on this. Which leads many to believe there's a lot of legitimacy to this story and makes me wonder why, if Brian Last and Jim Cornette love running their mouths about various things on their podcasts, why are they being so silent on this? It makes you wonder what are they trying to hide from or what are they afraid of that may come out that they, don't want people to know about? 

Which leads me to wonder as well about this allegation by Rene Dupree that Dupree made about Cornette and his wife on his podcast three weeks ago.


I bet if I were to contact Cornette and Last on this as well? I'd get the same response, nothing.

Hiding from it, not commenting on it just makes it look worse and gives my story at least, a whole lot of validation and confirmation that it's true. 

Like I said, I wonder what they're so afraid of since they're suddenly being so silent on this, but will run their mouths on everything else in wrestling? Makes you go, HHHMMM.


Then we have this latest blunder of an indie booking idea. 


This "Pennsylvania Title Tournament" starts in Massachusetts, and ENDS, in Georgia.. Yes you read that right, A Pennsylvania Title Tournament" that ENDS in Georgia and NOT, Pennsylvania.

Yes, it is indeed as stupid as it sounds. 

Why not have your Pennsylvania Title Tournament end in say, PENNSYLVANIA? DDUUHH!! That'd be a 'hell of a concept', eh? 

Another example of guys who have no clue what they're doing showing why they shouldn't be booking a damn thing. You really can't make this kind of stupid shit up, but that's what's out there when it comes to this "anybody can be an indie promoter" mentality we have now.


Throw in this show, that happened over the weekend that drew a whopping, fifty people.

Maria Kanellis and well known ROH ring announcer Bobby Cruise held this show over the weekend and with the talent they had on it? The Hex (Allysin Kay and Marti Belle), IMPACT Knockouts Champion Tasha Steelz, AAA Reina de Reinas Champion Taya Valkyrie and more, the best they could do for attendance was, fifty people. 

Now I did the research on the hall and it definitely holds more than fifty people, so this has to be looked at as a disaster and a money loss when you can't get more than fifty people. Especially when renting the place costs $3500 and capacity in one part of the hall is 785 people. If they held the show in another part of the building, the capacity in the other part is 200 people. So no matter which part of the hall they had the show in? Fifty people is a fucking embarrassment to say the least. 

Obviously either the owners of the building itself, or whoever was the 'local promoter' for that show didn't do their job actually 'promoting' the show correctly if they could only scrape up fifty people to come to it. 

Me having experience as a local promoter for both WWA New England as well as the EWA in the 90's I can say with a HUGE smile, I never had to suffer with a fifty person attendance at a show. I knew how to actually get off my as and 'promote' the show unlike whoever failed at it with this show. Hopefully if they run another show they'll have someone who knows what the hell they're doing, or better yet? Maybe Bobby and Maria can get off THEIR ASSES, and 'promote' the show better. 


Lastly we have this that came in from someone who requested their name not be used. Someone who is a regular visitor to our site here at WP&P actually called out the owners of PWinsider, WrestlingInc and The Observer. I'll go ahead and post the email to them below. 

When I saw this I had to admit, I was very amused that someone other than I and the other staff here at WP&P (Gino Bradley and Donnie Henderson) would have the balls to call the owners of the major wrestling news sites out like this. We've called them out time and again and I personally named the staff members at those other sites (especially Paul Jordan) who have come here to our site to take stuff to use at their respected sites. 

I actually went and looked at those other sites and you'd be surprised at just how many stories or posts from here at WP&P have landed at PWInsider, WrestlingInc and the Observer. I or the other staff members here post something after midnight? A few hours later, with OUR EXACT wording no less, lands on the other sites. Paul Jordan who contributes to PWInsider makes it so painfully obvious he comes here to WP&P almost daily for his 'story ideas', He doesn't even deny it either. Ian Carey of The Observer, Marc Middleton and Mark Wilkinson of WrestlingInc have also taken stuff from here too. I guess it is flattering that as much as the owners of those other sites dislike this site, their staff has to come here, to get stories and posts to use "over there". And yes, Mike Johnson DID steal the idea of posting shows of Coastal Championship Wrestling on his site only after seeing that we here at WP&P and none of the other sites were doing it. 

So not only has he scammed his paid elite subscribers and has gotten caught, he's now been caught taking our ideas as well, (shakes head) tsk tsk tsk, shame on you Mikey. You keep getting caught yet, you still don't learn, do you.

Anyway, guess who actually saw, that email I posted above, and had no response to it? I'll show you.

Meltzer, Raj Giri who owns WrestlingInc AND Mike Johnson of PWInsider ALL saw the email, and NONE of them, had a reply or answer to it.

They get called out and all they have in response is silence? As Ron Simmons is well known for saying... DAMN!

I guess when the truth hurts silence is all they'll ever have, eh? But this is what happens when you create a site that's now considered a 'major player' by the many fans who go to the other sites and have been coming here to WP&P more and more. Our numbers for visitors and viewers has skyrocketed over the last few months simply because, we do what the other sites won't do, and post a wider variety of stuff than the other sites do. 

We simply do it better than them because we give more of what fans want, That's just the way the world is and obviously our way has worked to a tee. Dave Scherer may have called WP&P a 'bottom feeder' site but we can't be that 'bottom feeder' if your own staff (Paul Jordan And your partner Mike Johnson no less)and staff from other sites have to come here, to get ideas to use 'over there.

Obviously what we post does stand on its own Daveyboy, it stand on its own here? As well as over 'there'. Nice to know we created something our peers even have to come and look at. And if they have nothing to say when they get called out like I just shown? Then everything we do here at WP&P has made an impact and will continue to do so, for a long time to come. 

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