Thursday, May 26, 2022

Mike Johnson Of PWInsider Gets Caught AGAIN Trying To Scam His "Paid Subscribers"


By Bill Walkowitz

When's he gonna learn? When is Mike Johnson going to learn that this tactic of claiming to his 'elite members' that something is 'exclusive' when it isn't, isn't working for him? 

Well? He obviously didn't learn because here we are again. Maybe someone can simplify it or dumb it down for him to understand that, claiming something is 'exclusive ONLY for his paid subscribers but yet can be seen for free on YouTube, just makes HIM and the site he owns look bad.

Thankfully you'll never see that kind of rip off stuff here at WP&P.

Let me show you how it easy it is to show that Mike Johnson obviously doesn't any research before trying this bogus tactic and thinking that someday, he's not going to get caught.

Here's where he makes the claim that Tony Khan's media call is only availably 'exclusively' to PWInsider's Elite membership.

And then, here's Mike doing what I've spoke of a couple days back on why write something that someone said when  you can just post the video and people can actually HEAR, what the person said? 

And before you ask, "Well where's the video at, smart guy"? Well that video of the media call is RRRIIGGHHHTT HERE.

I'm even gonna give you the link so that way al of YOU, can listen it for free and show Mike Johnson that you DON'T have to be a PWInsider 'elite member' to hear it.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. It's obvious that Mike Johnson doesn't understand that concept because he keeps trying this, and he keeps getting caught.

He was JUST busted on this by me back in April. he tried this same thing with the Cody Rhodes WrestleMania media scrum, and failed horribly. You can see that story, here.

A month before that, in March he was caught again, the story on that is here.

And a couple months before that? You guessed it, he was outted for this, Back in January which you can see right here.

See what I mean? Insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Apparently Mr. Johnson must enjoy being the current example of what insanity is. 

I can give you links that go back to October of last year of how many times he's tried this and epically failed. But yet, he's gonna ';make people see' that this is a great idea.

I wonder what Tony Khan would think of Mike trying to use his media call as a scamming practice? 

Time for a new marketing strategy Mikey, this one as you can see, clearly isn't working well for you.

And yet people actually PAY for this elite membership, so they're basically paying Mr. Johnson to scam them.

Now THERE'S some fucking insanity, right there. (smiles)

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