Saturday, May 14, 2022

Memphis Wrestling - Episode #64 - MURDERHAWK is BACK!


MAY 14, 2022 | Just when you think it's safe... The MURDERHAWK MONSTER returns to Memphis Wrestling! He's back to settle UNFINISHED BUSINESS!

Here's the card for today's program... HELL TO PAY | After what happened at the conclusion of last week's Memphis Heritage Championship match, one can only assume how angry Big Swole Justin Cole is. The Posse better have eyes in the back of their head! SINGLES MATCH | K TOOMER vs GIO SAVAGE The 387 pound Master of Fatjitsu is on a collision course with the MANBEAST RHINO... Gio Savage is making his debut. Wrong place, wrong time? SINGLES MATCH | MIKE ANTHONY vs DJ BROWN Cobra Cup holder Mike Anthony is set for singles action, as we await the perfect moment for him to cash in his cup for a Title opportunity of his choosing. MAIN EVENT | TAG TEAM MATCH | THE YUNG GOATS vs THE SKIMAHORNS 2 former Memphis Wrestling Tag Team Champions looking for the contendership opportunity - who's it going to be? Old rivalry rekindled! UNFINISHED BUSINESS | The Murderhawk Monster isn't the only one with unfinished business. Stay til the end on this one... it gets WILD. PLUS | You never know what will happen on the fastest hour in pro wrestling!

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