Wednesday, May 25, 2022

"Marks" On YouTube Get "Checked"


By Bill Walkowitz

It's been a long while since I've had to go and smack some 'marks' and put em in their place. But every couple months the time comes when I have to do just that, and as you're about to see? IO did do that, and as usual it was relatively easy to do.

I always love those "armchair' experts, especially on the topic of Sasha Banks and Naomi walking out of the WWE which is the topic the convo is on. These are guys who've never walked out of a job before nor do they have the guts to (unlike myself who's done it many times, as recent as four months ago) but yet think they 'know it all' about the situation when their replies show they don't know shit. But that's usually the case with 'marks' like this and here, it's no different. So 'checking' em and putting them in their place? No effort whatsoever because as usual with 'marks' like this, you give em facts and truth and they don't want to hear it because that'll mean they're wrong

And God KNOWS 'we can't HHAAVVEE THAT now', can we? (smiles)

As you just saw, no effort needed. And before any of them, or anyone else tries to make the claim that 'nobody' visits this site? Here's a screen grab that'll take that argument away before it can be used. Taken 90 seconds ago of how many people are currently, viewing this lovely site we call Wrestling Past And Present.

As I always keep saying, some day the 'marks' will make it a challenge, some day the 'marks' will have a credible argument.

Someday obviously isn't today.

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