Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Coastal Championship Wrestling: CCW Alive Wrestling: Episode 1.87 "KiLynn King vs. Marina Tucker, Cage Match for CCW Women's Title

 One of the biggest matches in Coastal Championship Wrestling history is making it's debut on "Alive"! From "Bash At The Brew 15", it's the Women's Championship Steel Cage Match!

CCW Women's Champion KiLynn King and former title holder Marina Tucker have been at it for months. Since King has shown up within "The Last Territory", she has reigned supreme! Able to out-muscle Marina for her gold during "Bash 12", it wasn't long before the "Detroit Barbie" was planning her revenge. She wasted no time, attacking her rival later that same night! This made it personal. Unlike other promotion's contracts, our "Executive Committee" never guarantees a rematch . Many expected, especially after her actions immediately following "Bash 12", that Marina would instantly have an opportunity to regain her gold. This wasn't the case, but after being tasked with overcoming the bright upstart "Fighting Siren" Shalonce Royal during "Bash 13", the "Mean Girl" was finally able to guarantee her title shot during "Secret Treasure". As we've been following on "Alive", this was another great contest between two of the best women's wrestlers on the independent scene. The action was back and forth, with it looking like either competitor could win at any moment. If it weren't for Tucker trying to take a shortcut, this entire situation might have already been settled! We're not sure if she truly thought the ref wouldn't see her cheating, or if she was feeling the pressure and trying to prevent KiLynn from picking up the win. Regardless, it has now set up one of the most dangerous stipulations in all of professional wrestling to be unleashed on Hialeah this Friday! We haven't seen a steel cage in CCW for over a year. The "Executive Committee" doesn't just bring it out for fun! It comes when a feud is so vicious, it can't be contained by three ropes alone! This promises to be epic!

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