Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Another Example Of - Why "Read" Something Someone Said When You Can Watch The Video And Hear It Yourself (This is Becoming Way Too Easy To Do)


By Bill Walkowitz 

This might become a regular segment of mine here at WP&P since these kind of things pretty much write themselves. I mean seriously, just a few hours after I did the first "Why 'Read' Something Someone Said When You Can Watch The Video" (Link to that is here ) where I called out Matthew Wilkinson of WrestlingInc of doing just that, here now comes Joseph Currier of the Wrestling Observer doing the exact same thing I just wrote about.

I'd like to thank long time Wrestling Observer fan Partrick O'Brien who has become a recent big time fan (his words not mine) of WP&P, for finding me on Facebook and messaging me the link to the Observer's 'Daily Update' that Joseph Currier did. So I checked out what Patrick wanted me to see and the above screen grabs made me shake my head in amusement. I've seen some real cheesy and lame attempts at trying to make a story 'exclusive' that really wasn't (one look at how I caught Mike Johnson at PWInsider trying to scam his paid elite subscribers was the most obvious which you can see here ) But ol Joe's attempt was basically getting it from another site, much like many other sites (WP&P isn't one of them, thank God) churn out the same ol stuff that Meltzer's Observer and PWInsider post, and think they're 'exclusive' cause they use what the other two posted first.

If you go to Mr. Currier's 'update' and click over the red part of the section of the quotes of Paul London, you'll come to this. 

Yep, that's right.. All Joseph did was cut and paste the quotes from the POST Wrestling story onto the Observer's site. What's funny about this is I ask myself WHY, did he go and do all that when for the last, THREE DAYS, THIS has been on YouTube.

Again, WHY should someone 'read' what someone said when you can go watch the video and HEAR, what that person said? (Shakes head) is it that hard for Mr. Currier to post a link to the video? It's been there for THREE DAYS, so how hard would it have been for him to just get the link and post it?

Apparently it was pretty hard for him since he didn't do it so since he's incapable, or maybe it's 'beneath is pay grade' to do it, I'll furnish the link for him.

It's always going to come down to a simple fact and basic common sense, people would rather watch the video or hear the audio of what someone said, than 'read' about it.

The sooner these "wrestling journalists' figure that out, the sooner stories like this will stop being written.

Or, maybe I hope they never grasp that concept because the more they don't? The more I can write these kind of articles knowing they can't say anything to me about it because it's their own actions, or lack thereof that helped make these kind of stories happen.

So if they want to help make this a regular segment for me here at WP&P, I'll gladly write them, and thank them for helping have this segment.

So thank you Joseph Currier for proving my point of how dumb it is to post the quotes when you could've just posted the video. Your contribution to this new segment is greatly appreciated (smiles).

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