Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Hypocrisy Of Some People Is Indeed, Astounding (Updated- 4-10-2022 @ 10:30 am)

I should Thank Dave Scherer for what he said in the screen grab below that comes from the site he owns. He went ahead and more than validated everything I wrote on this article. So "Thanks Dave, thanks buddy" (smiles).

I was going to save this for the next "The A**hole In The Room" column that I'll be writing up tomorrow night, but this was too good to wait on. The irony of of this would be amusing, it wasn't just so pathetically sad.

The above screen grab (along with the other I'll be using, with 'their' permission) was sent to me thru our WP&P email addy by of all people, one of Dave Scherer's 'followers' on Twitter. He requested his name not be used so I won't. Because if Mr. Scherer knew which 'follower' it was who sent me this, that person I'm sure would be harassed.

But the truth hurts and what I'm gonna say is indeed, the truth. So who better to tell the truth even if it does hurt, than me. 

The above screen grab is a reply to this one by Mr. Scherer, who was openly bashing Tammy Sytch on Twitter because of the story his site, and others reported about her getting into a drunken automobile accident.

If you're considered and are supposed (?) to be a 'respected' Wrestling Newsletter site owner Like Mr. Scherer is. should you really be openly bashing on Twitter, or any other social media outlet? It's one thing to yes, give your opinion on your site when your site reports a story, but another to let your ignorant bias get in your own way like it apparently has over and over again with Mr. Scherer (and his partner at PWInsider, Mike Johnson).

Now before I show how Dave's hypocrisy is ridiculous in every way, especially since he and his own site have been caught numerous times getting a story wrong, or even worse, trying to scam their paid 'elite' subscribers with false advertising over and over again. I and Donnie Henderson and Gino Bradley know the latest story of what happened with Ms Sytch. It's been reported all over the place. We covered it once, and moved on to the several other things we post here every day at WP&P. Adding any opinion to it or publicly bashing her on social media isn't going to change anything, accomplish anything or bring the person who was killed back to life. Which is why none of us here at WP&P bothered to slam or bash her. What's the point?  And if you're supposed to be or supposed to be considered a 'respected' newsletter writer, how 'professional' is it for you to be going on a public bashing campaign on social media? 

Not professional at all.

As someone who personally knows about substance abuse problems I know that all the public bashing in the world won't force her to get the help she apparently needs. SHE, has to make her own choice on when that will be. SHE, like others who have a substance abuse problem have to 'hit their own bottom'. SHE, has to decide when she's 'sick and tired of being sick and tired'. She has to hit her own 'rock bottom' and decide a change needs to happen. I've seen people and I myself have gone down this road where doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, results in failure and trouble. When you're in the midst of active addiction you don't see it.

That is what people like Mr. Scherer either fail to understand OR don't WANT to understand. They'd rather remain blissfully ignorant but if the same thing happened to a family member of his, you think he'd be all over Twitter bashing them? Most likely? No.

Now this hypocrisy of Mr. Scherer started with this screen grab, which again I stress, came from one of Dave's "followers" on Twitter and I have full permission to use this. 

He followed it up with this, the same screen grab you saw at the beginning of this.

You'll notice someone replied back to him and called him out on what he said, even adding a link to the story I personally broke on his site getting caught AGAIN, using false advertising to try and scam/fool his site's paying elite subscribers. I went ahead and edited out that person's name as I'm banned from Twitter so i couldn't contact them to get their permission to use their reply.

BUT, that reply WAS fitting and Mr. Scherer? Absolutely. hates it when he gets called out with stories of PWInsider getting busted for false advertising. His hypocrisy of having the balls to bash Tammy Sytch while hiding behind a keyboard, knowing he'd never have the guts to ever, say that stuff to her face is one thing. 

The other thing? While he may feel he has his chest puffed out and feels like a real Twitter tough guy bashing a woman online, make a mention of THIS STORY? Or one of the others that we here at WP&P have done on this topic? 

And THIS, is what he always does, with a quickness. 

There's your hypocrisy, in plain sight.

He has enough guyts to bas a woman online, and even post a picture of me from something that happened twelve years ago, thinking he really accomplished something 'huge' by doing that. But mention how his partner at PWInsider keeps getting caught trying to falsely advertise something and keeps getting caught? Funny how suddenly Dave gets silent on the subject.

The most blatant example of he can dish it out, he he can't take it, if there ever was one.

The person who called him out asked the perfect question, if you have enough guts to slam Tammy then how come you don't have the same guts to explain getting caught scamming your elite subscribers? 

I guess it's 'selective' when it comes to when he wants to feel he has 'guts' to say something. OOORR, as long as it 'doesn't make him look bad' will he have the balls to say something, eh?

You can't have it both ways Daveyboy. Trying to play both ends against the middle you've proven to be horrible at.

What's even funnier is he apparently tried to delete that reply, as shown here, in the third screen grab that was given to me by one of his Twitter 'followers'.

Nice try, but you obviously didn't delete fast enough (smiles).

I mean it IS, an obvious question that Mr. Scherer and Mr. Johnson avoid answering at all costs. If you can bash someone and think it's okay, then explain how you think falsely advertising things to scam people whop 'pay' to subscribe to your site is okay and a 'real professional' thing to do?

We'll be waiting a LONG TIME for both of them to gather the guts to honestly answer that, even though they have the courage to bash a woman online.

Strange logic and mentality they have over at PWInsider, I tell you.

Here's some even stranger logic which will put a the final nail in the coffin on all this. In the email convo that Matthew Maurer had with Dave (that he sent me and I used in ) He thought Matthew was me and called this site a 'bottom feeder". Which again shows you ignorance is indeed bliss and Mr. Scherer appears to enjoy living in that world.

While I do find it amusing that he calls WP&P a 'bottom feeder" site (even though Mike Johnson and Paul Jordan have taken many stories and a couple of our ideas from here and 'used them over there') the one sad fact that we'll have over them, is this.

Call WP&P a 'bottom feeder' site all you want, but at least this 'bottom feeder' site? Has been more professional than you when it's come to the latest Tammy Sytch incident. 

A 'bottom feeder' site, 'more professional' than the 'more well known' news site. 

Let that, sink in. 


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