Monday, April 11, 2022

The Atlas Tournament Is Coming! - PROGRESS Wrestling


On Monday April 18th, the PROGRESS Wrestling Atlas Championship will be resurrected and presented to the winner of the 2022 Atlas Tournament! You must have been living in a cave if you haven't heard the news that eight of the world's top heavyweights will battle it out in London, England on 17th and 18th April to be crowned the first Atlas Champion since 2019. Warren Banks, Big Damo, Joe Hendry, Axel Tischer, Luke Jacobs and Ricky Shane Page will collide in the first round at Chapter 132: By The Beard Of Zeus! With the South-Australian monster, JONAH, already qualified for the semi-finals, he will be joined by three other men at Chapter 133: Stop Motion Skeleton Battle where the tournament will conclude. Be there. You can purchase tickets now from for either event or as a full weekend discounted package.

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