Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The A**hole In The Room 4-5-2022

 On the heels of both last week's "A**hole In The Room" column, as well as the story I did yesterday on PWInsider once again getting caught falsely advertising  something as 'EXCLUSIVE' only to their paid subscribers that was freely available on YouTube, I've had a couple very interesting things sent to me, Donnie Henderson and Gino Bradley.

Before I get to the guy featured in the screen grab above, Let's cover the aftermath reaction to this story on where I busted PWInsider AGAIN, making false claims which in literally 90 seconds of research busted them right out as liars.https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/04/pwinsider-has-been-busted-again-for.html  And to which further research later Saturday night added more tio the fact they again scammed their 'Elite' membership (aka paid subscribers). 

It's quite amusing that Mr. Owner of the site who got caught trying to scam his subscribers again goes and tries bragging about how no other site had the coverage they did. He probably had his chest puffed out as he was sitting behind his keyboard typing that.

BUT.. What happens when you mention to him, THIS STORY? 

Does he admit he and Mike Johnson were caught red handed? Does he even TRY to explain their actions? 

Nope, THIS is what several people got (INCLUDING, a few people who are, paid "elite subscribers" to their site) when asked for any kind of comment on the story.

THAT is what several people got as a response when inquiring about that story.

And if you 'dared' ask Mike Johnson, the one who did that story, for a comment? THIS is what you immediately got for an answer.

The irony is very amusing that they want to brag and boast about their staff, but yet when one of the owners gets caught for what, the fifth, SIXTH time, falsely advertising? They quickly show they have nothing to say and hide behind every block they can to try and avoid the obvious when you call them on it.

Sorry gentlemen, trying to play both ends against the middle is a talent you're not very good at, and it shows.

Instead of blocking people who ask and actually deserve an explanation why you feel false advertising on your paying subscribers is a good thing, whi not do the obvious and that's STOP FALSELY ADVERTISING THINGS AS 'EXCLUSIVE' when it's obvious people can see it elsewhere for free? 

I guess that kind of simple logic and common sense will always be a challenge to them. 

Remember, this is the SAME PWInsider owners that thought they had something special by posting THIS picture of me from twelve years ago.

But when the tables get turned on them over something they got caught doing (and have been doing and getting caught it several times before)? 

They suddenly get a case of the 'shut the fuck ups' and do this.

Irony is quite, the mother fucker, isn't it (smiles)

Special thanks goes to several people including Stephen Rodgers, Joe Richardson, James Herzog and Jesus Valdez for sending in the screen grabs used in this.


Zack Derusha asked me thru FB messenger if Battleground Championship Wrestling Pro Wrestling 225 and ISPW had said anything to me because of what I wrote about them. Those stories can be seen here https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/03/how-to-hype-up-match-backwards-courtesy.html 

 and here https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-ahole-in-room-3-27-22.html

Not one word, from any of them, and really, what CAN they say? They're the ones who screwed up so who's fault is that? Not mine so bitching and whining to me won't change the fact they were the ones who screwed up. I mean they 'can' say something, but what will it get them? Not much that's for sure. 


Finally, let's get to the guy featured in the screen grab at the beginning of this. 

Matthew Maurer, who was kind enough to send me the email conversation he had with Dave Scherer that lead to him getting fact checked into silence by me in last week's column(Anyone who missed that can see it here https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-ahole-in-room-3-27-22.html ) sent me another conversation , this one involves the Raj Giri, the owner of WrestlingInc.

Raj has a habit of blocking anyone who has the nerve to show him a link to anything on this charming site of ours called WP&P. Especially THIS STORY of when an alleged 'social media manager' got 'checked' by a staff member here at WP&P. (Which you can refresh your memory by seeing that, here https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2021/06/social-media-manager-at-wrestlinginc.html ). His staff doesn't mind posting stories on how wrestlers 'shoot down' or smack a fan on Twitter, but BOY when something happens to them? Ol Raj is quick to pull this out. 

Since Mr. Maurer has again given me permission to use what he sent me, this is what happens when someone tries to talk tough while hiding behind a keyboard. 

They get 'checked'. And just like Mr. Scherer was 'checked' last week? I guess this is the week for Mr. Giri to have the crown as knucklehead of the week. 

As you can see Mr. Giri really thought trying to be an internet tough guy was gonna get him somewhere, what it got him, was this.

And what did Raj have to say in response to that? Nothing. he knew he got 'checked'. 

Maybe Raj should be careful what he says to who in the future, because you 'never know' where it may land and I'm sure he wasn't expecting this to be shown.

But I guess, the art of being the owner of a so called 'respected' wrestling news page who should at least TRY, and be professional has been thrown out the window, eh? 

Funny how you can see ones true colors in things like this. 

Special thanks to Matthew Maurer for giving me permission to use this. 


Next week we'll go back to talking about actual 'pro wrestling', unless.. Stuff like this I keep covering keeps popping up.

This kind of stuff writes its own stories, Then again, dumb ass behavior always has been the easiest to write on, especially when you have the proof because you supply proof? They have nothing to say. Proof takes any and all the arguments they thought they had, away from them.

(shrugs) Not my fault these kind of stories simply write themselves (smiles). 

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