Sunday, April 3, 2022

PWInsider Has Been Busted AGAIN For False Advertising (They Just Never Seem To Learn) UPDATED 4-3-2022 @ 9:00 PM w/ More Free Links


By Bill Walkowitz

Poor Mike Johnson, no matter how many times he gets caught trying this scheme, he just never seems to learn that this tactic is an epic failure for him.

SOO, Until he decides to smarten up? Stories like this, will keep popping up. He does bring it on himself so he has only himself, to blame.

The above screen grab says it all. he 'claims' the Cody Rhodes Media interview is only available 'exclusively' for the suckers who keep paying to be an 'elite' member. Meaning they're the 'only' ones who can hear the audio.

BUT, why pay to HEAR the audio WHEN, you can see the video? For free No Less?

Where can you see this entire media scum at you ask?

Well, I'll be MORE THAN HAPPY to show you. Right here, FREE On YouTube.

DDAAMMN, people actually pay to be an 'elite member' of PWInsider just so they can get suckered, over and over by false advertising. 

You have to start to wonder, WHEN will those people who keep paying for that subscription, finally get tired of seeing Mike Johnson get busted over and over for scamming them and cancel out of that subscription?

How's it feel to know you're a paid member of that elite section and you pay to 'hear' something, that you can SEE AND HEAR for free elsewhere? 

I bet you're feeling pretty fucking stupid about now. Thank Mike Johnson for that (smiles).

Again, this isn't the first time PWInsider has been busted for scamming people like this, there's quite a long pattern of it.

Like this here.

And this as well.

And of course there's this

Want me to keep going? Okay here's some more.

You have this

Along with this as well

And yes there's even more with this

I can keep going since there is MORE but I think you see the gist here. Mike Johnson openly and continuously scams people with claims of false advertising something that's for free on YouTube. It appears that's the only way he and Dave Scherer can sucker people in to becoming 'elite' subscribers.

Somebody really should explain to Mike and Dave just how unprofessional it is to falsely advertise something and keep getting caught doing it.

But hey, the more they keep thinking they're slick and think they can 'get away with it THIS TIME', the more stories like this will keep coming out.

So here's the choice, stop trying to scam people, OR, keep getting exposed for it when you keep getting caught doing it.

The choice really, IS up to them. 


UPDATE 4-3-2022 @ 6;30 PM

Here's ANOTHER listing of the same media scrum that PWInsider ripped their paid elite members off of with their false advertising claim of it being 'EXCLUSIVE to just those subscribers.

Exclusive from YouTube, again, LMAO! Nice try Mike Johnson, nice try.

Damn two FREE listings and yet Mike Johnson tried the only 'exclusive' to subscribers trick to rip off his paid subscribing members, LMAO!

Anyone who continues to keep their subscription after this? is a freaking moron. 

UPDATE: 4-3-2022 @9:00 PM

Well lookie lookie, even MORE free listings of this same media scrum that Mike Johnson tried to pawn off to elite subscribers as only 'exclusive to them. 

Even WrestlingInc was smart enough to post it for free on their YouTube channel. Here's the link.

Pretty sad that WrestlingInc was smarter to do this than Mike Johnson and PWInsider, LOL. "OOOO" how's that feel Mikey, huh? That's a good slap in the face of your failing scamming scheme.

UUHH OOHH, Wrestlezone did the same thing as WrestlingInc? UUHH OOHH Damn how does this make PWInsider look now that they've been busted out for scamming their subscribers?

Oh wait here's another one (they just keep coming now) Wrestle radio Australia? Here it is  for FREE, on their YouTube Channel.

Don't you think it's time for Mike Johnson to put this lame weak ass scheme to rest? How many times does he have to get caught doing this before he finally learns that this unprofessional way of pleasing paid subscribers is doing nothing but making the site he represents look bad. he makes himself look bad and HER, wants to be considered as a 'respected' wrestling journalist.

Kind of hard to achieve that Mikeypoo when you keep getting caught trying to scam your own paid subscribers. I think you owe them a very public apology for deceiving them like is over and over again.

Question is, do you have the balls to do that? Gut feeling says, no, you don't and will try to remain blissfully ignorant, even though? You've been caught red handed, again. 

Yet you and Dave Scherer make cracks about me and this site. Great example of how you two live in glass houses and keep throwing stones, LMAO!. 

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