Saturday, April 23, 2022

Memphis Wrestling Saturday Night featuring OUTLANDISH Zicky Dice | April 2022


APRIL 23, 2022 | It's our first Memphis Wrestling Saturday Night of 2022 and with it comes a HUUUGE ANNOUNCEMENT from Outlandish Zicky Dice!

Line-up: SINGLES MATCH | MARTIN with KROSS vs K TOOMER Martin doesn't back down from anyone... and tonight he's going 1 on 1 with K Toomer. Can Martin slay the beast? SINGLES MATCH | DERRICK THE KING vs VAN VICIOUSS with HOLLYWOOD JIMMY & DDT(?) The Hollywood Clique is here to make an impact and boy do we have some interesting stuff coming up on Memphis Wrestling. DK is outnumbered - but can he overcome the odds? MEKLALOCK CHALLENGE | Who will answer the challenge? ZICKY DICE'S BIIIG ANNOUNCEMENT | Outlandish Zicky Dice makes an announcement that will change Memphis Wrestling forever! MIKE ANTHONY is in the house. MAIN EVENT | TAG TEAM GRUDGE MATCH THE POSSE vs MEMPHIS MUSCLE Big Swole Justin Cole is out for revenge, as he and his tag team partner The GunShow square off against The Posse!

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