Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Jim Cornette And/Or Stephen P. New Threatening To Sue Kenny Bolin? (Again, Apparently)


By Bill Walkowitz

This story as I've been doing research on it is just the latest chapter (apparently) in the dispute (?) Feud (?) that's been evidently going on for several years after a difference of opinion between Bolin and Cornette on Vince Russo lead to the end of their long standing friendship.

I admit I hadn't paid any attention to this and it wasn't until this video of Bolin's latest podcast was sent to me by Terry Hernandez who's been a regular viewer of this site for the last several months and felt I should see it. Special thanks to Terry for sending this in.

Here's the links to the video, embedded and if you want to click on it.

The thing on Cornette starts at the 29:00 minute mark of this podcast and right away I can see where I wanna call Bolin out on at least one claim. 

Bolin 'claims' that HE, put and I quote, "fifty four people in the WWE". HE did, not Cornette, not the wrestlers he 'claims' to have put there, oohh no, Kenny Bolin is 'so great' that HE put 54 people in the WWE but HE, can't get a job working for the WWE, (or AEW or Impact, or anywhere else for that matter it seems). 

Okay, WHO, are these '54 people' Bolin put in the WWE? name all of them and let's see how many will actually SAY, Bolin helped put them there. I get the feeling if we even got a list, not one will say Bolin got them there. 

I'm not even a minute into this part of it and that claim comes off more BS than a lot of Russo's and Tony Khan's claims. But that's just the observation after listening to one minute, of this.. let's be glad I'm not gonna go thru every minute of it because I'd be writing and calling bullshit for hours. 

I will say that before I started writing this I reached out and contacted Cornette and Brian Last about this, and if they have any comments about this I'll add them in if and when I get them.

The gist of this is Bolin was on Rene Dupree's podcast "Cafe de Rene with Rene Dupree", and three clips from that appearance were uploaded to YouTube. Titled "Why Jimmy And Kenny Don't Talk Anymore", "Jimmy's A Chickenshit" and a third one about Brian Last. Bolin and the guy helping to run this podcast admit they were posted under those titles. And after these were posted they were taken down because allegedly (I myself have no proof of this though i am, trying to see if there is any proof of it) Stephen P. New (a Lawyer who's a huge wrestling fan and 'sponsors' certain wrestling shows' from time to time) threatened legal action against the producers of Rene Dupree's podcast and Kenny Bolin.

Now I've painfully listened to this podcast of Bolin's as he's giving the 'backstory' and he claims HE "saved Jimmy (Cornette's) job at OVW".

Jimmy's was the fucking owner of OVW so how the fuck, does Kenny 'save' Cornette's job when Cornette is the owner? (shakes head) The bullshit this guy Bolin spews on this, I swear. But yet this guy has many supporters who PAY for memberships on his podcast. That's like paying to be an elite member of PWInsider when PWInsider got caught scamming those very same paid subscribers (Which WE here at WP&P openly caught and wrote about, check in search to get them stories). That's about how much a membership Bolin's deal is.

Listening to this "back story" gave me the same kind of headache I got when I try to watch anything WWE, or AEW shows from start to finish. The claims he's making sound outlandish, and ridiculous. From Cornette badmouthing women talent at OVW shows to allegedly saying if one woman talent didn't 'do sexual favors in a hot tub with Jimmy and his wife, she wouldn't be on tv". I'll personally be looking into seeing if any of that is true or if it's just more Bolin bullshit, but if any you reading this know if that was true or not, send me the proof to and I'll be more than happy to post it here. 

So it comes down to Stephen P. New and Cornette are allegedly threatening to sue Bolin over clips that have been taken off of You Tube (or actually 'hidden' so you can't see them) All this crapola along with Bolin making claims about wrestlers having to have sex with Cornette's wife Stacy really comes off pretty weak. Now whether those claims about Cornette badmouthing women at OVW, the sex thing to be on tv are true or not? I can't say NOR, am I going to even speculate unless, unless some concrete proof comes my way. Because we here at WP&P pride ourselves on not 'pulling a Meltzer" and make stories up (that ol Dave gets busted on over and over), nor do we try and scam our viewers like Mike Johnson at PWInsider has been caught several times doing. Which is why I went out of my way to contact Cornette and Brian Last about this so they know, I'm doing this story and that way they, have a chance to respond to it. 

So Bolin's on a rant because allegedly he's been threatened with being sued. We'll see how this plays out, if, it plays out any further than this. 

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