Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Game Changer Wrestling and IWTV reach settlement in lawsuit


By Donnie Henderson

GCW and IndependentWrestling.TV (IWTV) have reached a settlement.

IWTV filed a lawsuit against GCW for breach of contract in 2021. (A story we covered, here )  The streaming service claimed they had an exclusive agreement with the promotion for filming, producing, and digitally distributing their PPV content. IWTV alleges GCW broke that deal when they began streaming their events on FITE TV in December of 2020. 

GCW announced on Wednesday that they have reached a settlement regarding the lawsuit. 

"Game Changer Wrestling is pleased to announce that we have come to terms on a settlement agreement with IWTV that brings an end to litigation between the parties," reads GCW's statement. "This agreement represents a significant milestone for GCW, but most importantly serves as a victory for INDEPENDENT Wrestling and its fans."

The statement continues to say that as part of the settlement, GCW will produce a series of eight live events to be streamed on IWTV that will be titled, "The Settlement Series." The events will take place within the next year with dates and locations being announced in the coming weeks. 

"This last year has been trying. As a small business, our resources are not unlimited. Litigation was a last resort, but a necessary step in establishing our independence,"

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