Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Gabe Sapolsky Is A Free Agent (My Observation Of His 'Next Moves'?)


By Donnie Henderson

I think the sarcasm of WP&P's head writer Bill Walkowitz is starting to rub off on me. When I saw what Gabe stated he's 'open' to, my first thoughts were "is he really serious"?

I'm going to break some of this down and show how ridiculous some of this sounds because a lot of it is ridiculous.

He wants to charge $100 an hour to "Consult Wrestlers, Promoters and Creative people"? I've gotten more information and education of what works and gets over from listening to Jim Cornette's or Eric Bischoff's podcasts. There's plenty of information already out there for free or at the least, less than $100 an hour someone can access if they do the footwork. Why would I want to be consulted by a man who sold his promotion to the WWE so he could work for the WWE, just to get fired, by the WWE? There's plenty of indie promoters out there that will give advice for free if you just ask them. Just an obvious observation.

Starting an indie promotion as long as someone has a million dollars at HIS disposal to back it?  So he's basically looking for a money mark or a sucker to just hand over a million dollars so he can start an indie promotion. Name me one indie promotion that started with that much money in the bank. I'll wait. 

I admire Gabe's lofty ideas but there's the reality to those lofty ideas and those ideas are more like fantasies. If I wanted to start a promotion Gabe wouldn't be the one I'd be trying to get advice from. There's other more qualified people out there I'd seek out. I'm pretty sure more than just myself shares this same observation. Good luck with that though.

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