Saturday, April 23, 2022

AEW "Pulls A Vince McMahon" And Yanks Wrestlers From Upcoming PWG Show


By Gino Bradley

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG) has announced three new matches for their upcoming Delivering The Goods event after several AEW did what Vince McMahon and WWE has had a long standing tradition of doing (Pulling talent from indie shows at the last minute) stars were pulled from the show.

Isn't it funny how Everyone in AEW swore that they were going to be the 'alternative' to WWE but here they are, being just like WWE. We know the AEW faithful will fail to notice that.

JD Drake, Top Flight’s Dante Martin, and Wheeler Yuta are unable to make the upcoming May 1 show. Due to their absence, DDT Pro’s Konosuke Takeshita will go one-on-one with Aramis in his debut for the promotion. Slapjack from WWE, now going by Shane Haste, will make his return to in-ring action when he faces Jack Cartwheel.

Also scheduled for Delivering The Goods is The Briscoe Brothers vs. Aussie Open (Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher), and Biff Busick vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey. HMM Were they others pulled because Impact talent were on the show?  The Briscoes work for ROH, a NOW Tony Khan owned company, have worked for Impact as well so there's a question, why just JD Drake, Dante martin (who actually is out with an injury of some sort so that one is legit) and Wheeler Yuta (who has appeared on other indie shows) pulled but the Briscoes weren't? Also Daniel Garcia, and AEW wrestler is still booked on the show as well. So again there's the question.

I bet Tony Khan will be avoiding answering that and when he sees this story claim I'm a 'bot'. 

PWG World Championship

Bandido (c) vs. Daniel Garcia

Biff Busick vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Blake Christian vs. Black Taurus

The Briscoe Brothers vs. Aussie Open

Kevin Blackwood vs. Jonathan Gresham

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Aramis

Jack Cartwheel vs. Shane Hast

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