Friday, March 18, 2022

World League Wrestling SHOWDOWN! Ring of Honor vs. World League Wrestling | Season Premiere #165


Welcome back pro-wrestling fans! We're back with another episode of WLW #Showdown! Our weekly television program that airs on over a dozen television stations across the United States! This episode features the premiere of Season #4 for WLW Showdown! You're going to see Ring of Honor (#ROH) vs. World League Wrestling as The Bouncers face off against Jayden Dominic Rose and Jon Webb in a quarter final round of the WLW Tag-Team Championship Tournament. Next week, you'll see Brandon Espinosa vs. Colton Theron Vaught and much more! The next live WLW event is on April 9, 2022 as World League Wrestling presents OVERDRIVE. Tickets and information are available at

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