Saturday, March 19, 2022

The So Called "Wrestling Experts" ALL GOT 'WORKED' Thanks To Chelsea Green LMAO!


By Bill Walkowitz

MMMM, MMM, MMMM Stories like this just never seem to end. Either the so called "Wrestling Experts" or 'Dirtsheet Masters' get the story wrong (which we here at WP&P have been 'more than happy' to point out) OR they get 'worked'.

Chelsea Green proved it by showing that Melzer and his 'Meltzer Marks" that takes what he says as gospel and splatters it all over their sites thinking they have 'exclusive news', Or PWInsider who got busted out for both getting stories wrong and false advertising, along with several other sites that all these people weren't the alleged 'experts' they thought they were.

But you know who WASN'T, on the list of sites that 'fell for it'? That's right, your friends, your pals, the ones you love so much here at Wrestling Past And Present are again, not on the list of shame (smiles).

You noticing a pattern here? These places get caught, and we're never on the list of fools who 'fell for it'?

Maybe as we 'knew something' you didn't, which isn't the first time that's happened, and certainly won't be, the last.

You can see that reveal at this link.

Now let's take a look at the 'list' of people who fell for it and got 'worked', shall we? It IS quite the list. Some day these 'experts' (cough cough) won't be so gullible but someday, obviously isn't today.

Oh yeah, Dave Meltzer and his staff at The Wrestling Observer tried like hell to delete the story as fast as they could, BBUUTTT. They couldn't get to THIS (smiles).

The beat goes on and the list continues, such 'fine company' all these sites are keeping now they've joined the "I Got Worked" club.


Hell of a list, hell of a list indeed. Aren't you glad your pals here at WP&P never a list like this? 

Being on those lists, is nothing to be proud of. 

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