Saturday, March 5, 2022

"Someone" Sure Got The Story Wrong (Too Bad they Won't Have The B*lls To Admit it) Updated 3-6-22 @ 2:00 am


By Bill Walkowitz

Once again 'someone' gets a story wrong, or makes some shit up thinking they won't get caught lying, but then  they do.

 Asuka took to social media earlier today and responded to a report that claimed she was medically cleared to compete in the ring again. and obviously, the so called 'wrestling experts', got it wrong.

WWHHAAT? The 'experts' got it wrong, AGAIN? NNOOOO, say it ain't so, LMAO!

I love it when say, Meltzer spews something out that's wrong, and then all the "Meltzer Marks" start falling all over each other to report it as gospel and then in the end? THEY ALL wind up getting it wrong.

You know which site ISN'T on the list of 'wrestling experts' who go it wrong?

That's right, this site here.. Wrestling Past And Present.

That's because WE here at WP&P unlike most other sites don'ty have to rely on a Meltzer (who's well known for mgewtting shit wrong) or Mike Johnson at PWInsider (who's also been known fopr getting it wrong, and never admitting it) WE in cases like thuis sit back and watch, and when it comes to stuff like this? We're usually correct in our desicion to NOT post the story.

Which I guess makes US, more of the 'wrestling experts' than the "Meltzer Marks" And PWInsider marks. 

So as much as the other wrestling news sites hate and dislike us? At least WE, get shit right, and WWEE, get to write stories like this, on how ALL OF YOU, got it wrong.

You can go ahead and thanks us for at least, getting our stuff right.

Maybe those other news sites should take notes from us here at WP&P, eh?

And another funny thing, if you go to the Ringside Roster' Twitter page where this is was at? 

 They won't allow you to comment and tell them they got it wrong, LMAO!

 ROFLMAO at the fact they got it wrong but instead of deleting or correcting themselves, they just won't allow you to comment on it. 

yeah, not the smartest knives in the drawer, that's for sure, LOL. 

UPDATE!! 3-6-2022 @ 12:00 am

Thanks to Frank Rizzo for sending me the following.

THIS is how Ringside Roster 'tries' to get out of the fact THEY got the story wrong. 

 it 'was pointed out to us", you didn't get shit 'pointed out' to you, you took Meltzer's word like the Meltzer marks" you are and got it wrong like he did.

Why is it so hard for these clowns to just admit they got it wrong like Meltzer did? Playing the blame game makes them look even more weak.

Maybe, just MAYBE you should stop being "Meltzer marks" and get a more reliable source, eh? 

UPDATE by Donnie Henderson 3-6-22 2:00 am

Frank Rizzo, David Carolson and Stephen Rodgers all sent this in.

Anyone who dares mention this story to Ringside Roster gets immediately blocked on Twitter. 

So the narrative for them is, instead of saying they're going to find a more reliable source since and Dave Meltzer got the story wrong and made them look bad, let's just instead block anyone who sees this story. 

This just makes Ringside Roster look even worse and weak ass. 

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