Wednesday, March 2, 2022

PWInsider Never Seems To Learn, So We'll Keep Teaching Them

 By Bill Walkowitz

It appears that no matter HOW MANY times Mike Johnson at PWInsider gets busted on this, he never seems to want to learn.

I guess we here at WP&P will once again, have to teach him.

The screen grab above is laughable at best, amusing really because he thinks only his PAID 'Elite' members will see where the Tony Khan media call is? 

DUH! You plugged the fact it's online, dummy, so why is it you're advertising something that not only your 'paid membership' can see, but EVERYBODY can see if they just go to YouTube?

Here's how easy it is to see you don't need to be a paid member of PWInsider's not so 'Elite' service to find out where the media call is. I'm gonna post the links to it right now and simply show, again, what a scam job PWInsider is trying to pull off (and now again, have failed with).

Wanna see where the Tony Khan media call is and not HAVE to be a PAID member of the ahem (cough cough) PWInsider 'elite' membership? 

Here you go. Just click below ad avoid the yet again attempt at false advertising done by PWInsider.

Here it is, TWO places for you, I covered this earlier today with this story

And here's the other place on YouTube as Inside The Ropes posted it too

So much for needing to be an 'Elite' subscriber, eh? LMAO!

But as it's been pointed out before here at WP&P this isn't the first time that Mike Johnson has tried this false advertising scam, sadly it seems, it may not be the last time.

Take a look for yourself as here is a deep dive into the LONG pattern of screw ups and false advertising PWInsider has done, and got busted for. 

The more he continues to try and scam people like this, the more he's gonna continue to get busted on it.

Someday, Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson will learn that this unprofessional tactic of theirs isn't working and they should try and actually, BE more professional. 

Someday, someday, but as you can see? Someday won't be today.

You can thank me as well as the staff here at WP&P for exposing this blatant attempt at false advertising.

Why should someone have to be a paid subscriber in order to find out where something is that people can see for free?

Someone PLEASE explain that dumb logic to me because that sounds like the logic of a moron.

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