Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Matt Cardona On Pro Wrestling Pet Peeves He Condemns To Hell


By Donnie Henderson

Matt Cardona was a recent guest on Cultaholic Wrestling’s Straight To Hell series.

This sees wrestlers send certain things they dislike about the business down to hell. Something he doesn’t like is fans lingering outside the merchandise tables during independent events.

“This one, I like to call the gimmick table lingerers. As an independent wrestler, we make a big chunk of our living selling gimmicks. Photo ops, before the shows, intermission, maybe after the shows,” he added. “There is nothing worse than somebody just coming up and talking your ear off and not buying anything. What the f*ck?”

Another aspect of the business that he doesn’t like is early morning airport fans. Specifically, the ones who want wrestlers to sign lots of cards to then be sold. Cardona stressed that he is fine for people who are genuine.

“I would say it’s the early morning airport ‘fans.’ Listen, I can tell if you’re a real f*cking fan, or if you are shoving all these 8×10 cards in my face, I know the difference. Get the f*ck out of here. Seriously, stop,” he stressed. “If you’re a genuine fan, cool, take the picture, sign the autograph, whatever.

“Listen, even if you’re not, if you want to make a couple of bucks, I’ll sign an 8×10 or a card. A – ask nicely, don’t just shove it in my face or anybody else’s face, and don’t have a f**cking stack. Don’t have like 10 cards, no, get out of here. It’s not my job for you to make money.”

One final situation he sent to hell was unreliable gear makers. Cardona stressed that in his time within the wrestling business, he has not been able to find one that is 100% reliable.

“This one is probably going to get me some heat if any gear makers are listening to this. Unreliable gear makers,” is what he sent to hell. “Listen, I have been wrestling for 19 years, and I have worked for every major wrestling company there is. Find me one f*cking reliable, 100% gear maker, that’s all I am asking. Because guess what? It doesn’t exist. They spread themselves way too thin, they take on way too many projects.”

Matt Cardona then went on to talk about the gear-making issue in more detail. The NWA star claimed that they will often leave it until two days before a show to get things made.

“Listen, I have some great people now that I use, so I am not going to sh*t on them, because they’re great. But, they are all guilty of this. If I give someone a design now, what is it now, middle of March? And I say, ‘I need this for a PPV in May,’ you would think, ‘oh, maybe I’ll start designing and working on it now.’ No, they wait like two days before that f*cking PPV in May, you know what I am saying?

“They’re stressed, I am stressed. I know you can do it in two days because you wait until two days before to actually make it. So, imagine if you took the whole three months to make it? You could do a little here, a little there. Stress-free life for everybody, but no."

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