Wednesday, March 16, 2022

How To Hype Up A Match A** Backwards - Courtesy Of Battleground Championship Wrestling

 By Bill Walkowitz

I love it when something like this just comes together so easily, because you really can't, make this kind of stupid stuff up. Nobody had to send this to me as I caught it myself when checking things on YouTube. 

Here's the screen grab for the match Saturday March 26th in Philadelphia between Atsushi Onita and Bully Ray.

Nice match up I admit, BUT HOW Battleground Championship Wrestling has hyped this on YouTube? Is as ass backwards as it can come. 

I'll show you, since proof is, a mother fucker, and I'm always the mother fucker who loves supplying proof.

BCW aired this video, YESTERDAY

Today, BCW goes and uploads the following two videos. 

This one five hours ago.

And then this one four hours ago. 

You see what I see here? It's the SAME DAMN ONITA PROMO aired twice. 

Logic hyping 101 is you don't air the Onita as Nita video first, you air the Bully Ray one making the challenge for wanting The Great Nita first, THEN you air one of the two Onita as Nita videos afterward.

Can we say, DDDUUHHH! Dumb ass. Yes, we can. How is it you can fuck up something SSSOOO fucking simple?

I guess when you know who owns the promotion (Rob Feinstein), the answer comes pretty easy. 

I hope he isn't booking this company because if he books the way he's hyping matches as I just pointed out, he makes the billionaire money mark who owns AEW look like a genius right about now. Or maybe he's gone to the Tony Khan school of booking and writing since a lot of AEW's stuff has been done ass backwards. 

How is it that Onita 'transformed' from being "Onita" to being "Great Nita" when you showed the same two Onita videos in less than 24 hours? Where'd the 'transformation' take place between the first time you aired it and now? 

For the money they're paying Onita, the least they could've done was have Onita do more than one hype video for the match. Say one as Onita and THEN, after uploading Bully Ray's challenge to have the Great Nita come instead you have Onita THEN do a 'transformation into being the Great Nita? 

How fucking hard would've that been to pull off? I guess judging from what we all see, something that simple and basic is a very hard concept for those running Battleground Championship Wrestling to grasp.

So if you ever wanted to know how to hype something ass backwards? You can now thank Battleground Championship Wrestling, for giving you the blueprint on how to do it. 

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