Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Apparently, WP&P Has "Struck A Nerve"

I'd like to thank Stephen Rodgers, Carl Reynolds, Ralph Sosa and David Perkins for contacting us thru our 'Contact Form' and furnishing WP&P with the material for this article.  

There's been some interesting observations that have come to the staff here at Wrestling Past And Present. So since I am a staff member here, and we do have all the creative freedom to post and write what we'd like, I thought I'd share some of these 'interesting observations'.  

 The first is The world renowned Thunder Rosa, apparently she didn't like the story that head staff writer and site creator Bill Walkowitz wrote about her. That story if you don't remember and has been one the 'most popular' stories on our site is this one.

Someone who's a regular visitor to this site plugged that story on Thunder Rosa's Twitter page and this was the result. She can dish it out on a mic at fans at an indie show but when someone calls her out and gives her a reality check about it, this is how she reacts when a person shows that someone called her out. This looks like a case of someone living in a glass house but wants to throw stones. For all her bravado it's obvious she's just thin skinned and can't take it when someone hands her a bit of the truth.

Speaking of Rosa, she has and operates her own web page.

I bring this up because one of the people who contributed material for this article sent an email thru the site's "Contact Us" page requesting information. He's still waiting on a response and he sent that response four weeks ago. FOUR WEEKS? Someone has to wait FOUR WEEKS or more to get a reply back? Maybe if she wasn't spending so much time on Twitter and blocking people who show her the truth, she could actually spend some at her own web page. Just a saying. 

But she's not the only one who's a bit oversensitive when the truth is told. The blocking brigade continues with this guy who's up next, the owner of WrestlingInc.

Mr. Giri's staff likes to write stories of wrestler's smacking fans on Twitter but when someoine gives Raj a taste of his own medicine? This is what he does, he blocks people when the truth is too much for him to handle.

Raj was handed these two stories that we wrote. Both are 100% factual and true but Mr. Giri I'm going to presume is going with the logic that he and his staff at WrestlingInc can write stories about wrestlers owning fans online but nobody can dare write about his staff. Double standard here Raj?

The stories in question are this one where a "Social Media" manager of WrestlingInc was owned on Facebook. and this one where we openly thank members of Mr. Giri's staff for coming over here to WP&P to grab story ideas that they've used over there at WrestlingInc.

If you're so angry Raj that your staff has to come to a site that some of your staff dislikes but yet gets stories from, maybe instead of blocking people who show you this you should ask your staff why they can't come up with their own stories? If they dislike us so much then why are they visiting this site on an almost daily basis? The irony of that I'm sure is going over your head. 

But Mr. Giri isn't the only owners of a wrestling dirt sheet site that has put the block on people who show them stores we wrote. The irony of dirt sheet site owners hating us yet coming to get ideas from us continues with?

Mr. Scherer and Mr. Johnson as most know own PWInsider, a site that we here at WP&P have exposed for falsely advertising things claiming only elite members can see the content when it' was available for free on YouTube. We've actually caught them several times trying to scam people with that and when someone recently showed them the most recent story of them doing that stunt (Story from March 2nd at this link ), Mr. Scherer was quick to block the person and Mr. Johnson? HIS Tweets are 'protected' so he went out of his way to find the guy Mr. Scherer blocked and then blocked him himself. 

My My, were we a little perturbed that you got outted for your little scam? It's not like you were actually trying to hide it nor did you actually do any research to see if any of things you 'claimed' only elite members could see, was actually on YouTube. You assumed and you know what they when you assume, and since you assumed, you in the end made asses out of yourselves and have only yourselves top blame. Maybe if you actually stopped trying to scheme and scam people you wouldn't have stories written about you where you blatantly did it and got caught. Food for thought.

The irony of Mr. Scherer and Mr. Johnson having a huge dislike for WP&P because we popped them on their scam is, Mike Johnson himself comes here and gets ideas for the site he owns. As our head Writer Bill Walkowitz likes to say, "Proof is a mother fucker" and we have proof.

Mr. Johnson came to our site yesterday (March 8th) and saw that we as usual posted the latest Coastal Championship Wrestling show, as we do every week when it premieres. So what does he do? See it for yourself. And take note, We here at WP&P post CCW matches/shows on a regular basis, like clockwork. WrestlingInc doesn't do it, Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online doesn't, ever. Pro Wrestling Torch? Nope, not at all. Pro Wrestling Dot Net? uuhh uuhh. Only we at WP&P post their material on a regular basis so it's pretty easy (and very obvious) where Mr. Johnson got his 'bright idea' from.

You see the time stamp of when we posted the link to the show, 6:21 yesterday evening.

Mike Johnson, forty minutes after we posted it, went ahead and quickly posted it after seeing we already had it posted like we always do. Posting it forty minutes after, we did? And you never posted the show on a regular basis before? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you came here to WP&P and thought you could get an 'exclusive'. Sad part is you 'exclusively' stole the idea from the only dirt sheet site that posts that company's material on a regular basis, so it shows how as much as you and Dave Scherer hate this site, you and Paul Jordan are real quick to want to take stuff from us.

The irony of your stupidity would be funny if it wasn't seen as a sign of desperation because this site, Wrestling Past And Present has become a go to site many fans. Including many that go to your site and other dirt sheet sites. I mean we get it, you a little jealous because we've found a niche on something you can't compete with, or just not good enough to do like we do. So maybe instead of you trying to capitalize on our ideas you actually try coming up with some of your own? "Where to find Miz movies" really isn't something many people want to know. I'm sure you can do better than that, if you really wanted to try.

Or maybe you can't. But the irony of you and the staff of WrestlingInc hating us but yet coming to us for ideas we'll consider a nice form of flattery, and your acknowledgement and admission that we have indeed broke thru the glass ceiling and have become a major site for fans to come to. The fact you have to come get ideas from us shows, we must be doing something right if you have to come here to get ideas to use over there. It's nice to know you noticed and the fact you have noticed? means what we do has you and others concerned because we do, what you all don't or won't do.

So by all means, continue to not do it. it'll just continue to give WP&P more success.  

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