Saturday, February 5, 2022

Wrestle Strong Dojo- The Crossface Club vs Kaizoku & Adam Facaa (Australian Wrestling)


2021 After The Crossface Club established itself at Wrestle Strong Dojo taking the Heavyweight Title from El Mas Terrible' in controversial circumstances The Japanese Pirate Kaizoku, South Australia's Redshaw and MMA fighter turned Pro Wrestler Adam Facaa all took to social media to voice their opinions and in true Crossface Club fashion the group came up with a plan of their own to make their enemies fight amongst themselves. Stars: Dean Draven - Current Heavyweight Champion and 25yr veteran of the sport Adam Facaa - MMA Fighter, multiple black belt disciplines and Pro Wrestler Kaizoku - New to the Dojo for 2021 the Japanese speaking Pirate Banjo Powers - Longest reigning JNR Heavyweight Champion in WSD Note: This match is from Season 3 of WSD TV for more on this story refer to Episodes from S3.

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