Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Time Once Again To 'Check' A "Mark" And Put Him In His Place (They ALWAYS Make It SSOO Easy To Do)


By Gino Bradley

Screen grabs supplied by Bill Walkowitz

It's been a while since a staff member here at WP&P has had to go and put a 'mark' in his place, but? Apparently someone was just anxious to get 'checked'?

So "Checked", he got. 

This happened literally over the last hour on YouTube and as soon as Staff member Bill Walkowitz replied, there was a feeling this ass clown was gonna make himself look like an idiot.

And yes, he indeed made himself look like an idiot. And Bill as usual without barely any effort on his part? 'Checked' this dumb mark with ease.

You can see for yourself below.

As you can see Bill promptly 'checked' the ass clown at every turn, and since that last reply has been silent.

Funny how getting smacked with facts seems to have a way of shutting dumb asses up, eh? 

And before this "Billy Ridge" can come and try saying "UH DUH nobody looks at that site". Here's proof as usual people do.

Taken just two minutes ago, the number of people who have visited us here at Wrestling Past And Present.

As Bill loves to say, proof is a mother fucker, and we here at WP&P will always have the proof.

So if you 'marks' don't want to get 'checked' then humiliated in a story like this? here's some smart advice for you.

Keep your fucking mouth shut when one of us here at WP&P replies to something, it'll save you a lot of embarrassment.

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