Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Arn Show's YouTube Channel Apparently Has Been Terminated (It's Now Been Corrected)

 Update by Bill Walkowitz 2-8-2022 @ 5:30 PM

Issues with the Channel seem to have been resolved as it's back up and running.

Here's an example. 


I guess it's a good thing we said something, so that way they could get on it and fix the issue.

You're welcome :)

Update- 2-8-20 3:00

By Donnie Henderson

To update the story Bill did early this morning, after making several inquiries about this, this is the only comment we were able to get back on the situation.

Since sites like PWInsider, Observer, and WrestlingInc have decided to blow off this story, it'll have to be left up to us here at WP&P. to keep you updated.

Make sure you go to them sites and thank them for ignoring this. it just helps us even more thanks to their ignorance and laziness. 

By Bill Walkowitz

Special thanks to Ralph Bauer who passed this to us thru our 'Contact Form' we have on this site.

The YouTube Channel that posted all of Arn Anderson's podcasts and clips from his podcasts apparently has been terminated. 

One look and you can see for yourself. 

After I went and saw this I clicked onto the link of where the video once was, and THIS came up.

Why this account has been terminated is unknown but all the videos that were associated with this account (which means ALL of Arn's podcasts and ALL the clips that were uploaded) are no longer available to see on YouTube.

I and Donnie Henderson have contacted Conrad Thompson as to why this happened.

So far, no comment from Conrad. 

Take that, however you wish to.

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