Sunday, February 13, 2022

Jim Cornette Reviews Adam Page vs. Lance Archer (Texas Death Match) on AEW Dynamite

The following is by Bill Walkowitz

Cornette once again is spot on with this. They need to smarten themselves up top what a Texas Death match or, DON'T BOTHER ADVERTISING ONE!.

This is why we here at WP&P make fun of AEW so much. With all the veterans on the roster, you mean to tell me that NOBODY had the balls to tell the "Meltzer booker of the year" what a Texas Death match really is? It can't possibly be THAT hard to go up to the Billionaire 'money mark' and fucking just explain it to him. God, get some balls people, use some freaking logic. Logic can be your friend if you had the balls and brain power to actually use it.

Just saying.

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