Thursday, February 10, 2022

Chris Jericho: "I think I’m kind of taking on like The Undertaker role in the WWE for his last few years there" (LMAO Yeah Okay.. Nice Try)


By Bill Walkowitz

During a recent interview with PopCulture Jericho had the gasll to say the following.

"“Not that there’s any comparison, but I think I’m kind of taking on like The Undertaker role in the WWE for his last few years there. Where every time he does something, it’s impactful; it means something. He’s a benefit to have in the locker room. He’s a leader. He’s very experienced. He can tell guys and girls what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong. And it’s just a good person to have around your roster.”

Yes, he did say that, and I'm sure hke said it with a straight face, not knowing how many people are actually laughing at him now because he said that.

HIM? The "Undertaker role"? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry Jericho but I don't think so.

How in the fuck can HE, decide that HE, is gonna take on the "Undertaker role" as a locker room leader? The last few programs he's been in have sucked out loud, his promos haven't been as great as they once were, a lot of what he does is straight out of the WWE way of doing things (which again I bring up, AEW claims they want to be the 'alternative' to WWE but yet does a whole bunch of shit that's straight out of what WWE does, but the AEW 'marks' either don't see it or don't WANT to see it), and then add in the fact you have a whole bunch of other wrestling legends there that actually would be more qualified top take that role, than Jericho.

I guess Chris kind of forgot that last part, which goes to show that's what happens when you go talking out your ass, which Jericho does have a habit of doing during interviews.

I guess, if we're to go by Jericho's logic. Guys like Arn Anderson, Jake Roberts and Tully Blanchard aren't 'qualified enough' to take that role, only HE IS? 

HHMM, yeah I kinda doubt that. But hey. nice try though. 

Nice to see that Jericho has a sense of humor, even though he did say that with the utmost seriousness, it's too bad that when he said it, it became unintentionally funny.

Especially when nobody is gonna take that quote, or him serious. 

You can see that interview where he said that line, here.

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