Monday, February 28, 2022

Coastal Championship Wrestling: Bash at the Brew 12, 01.08.22 (Bill Alfonso, KiLynn King, and Davey Richards)


Bash at the Brew 12 Unbranded Brewing Co. 01.08.22 CCW Southeastern Championship Match: Fatal Four-Way Beastly w/ Invidia vs. Jackal Stevens vs. Vandal Ortagun vs. Alex Xcean CCW Tag Team Championship Match: The South American Alliance, Ariel Levy and Vinicious w/ Bill Alfonso vs. America's Top Tag Team, Blake Bowman and John Hartnett with 7-Foot Jack Talos CCW Cruiserweight Championship Match: Chris Farrow (C) vs. Alan "S2S Martinez Florida Man TC Read vs. The American Wolf Davey Richards CCW Women's Championship Match: Marina Tucker (C) vs. KiLynn King CCW Heavyweight Championship Match: OT Fernandez w/ Lew Spector vs. Cha Cha Charlie For upcoming ticket events, merchandise, news, and more go to

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