Saturday, January 22, 2022

WRESTLE-1 - Manabu Soya & AKIRA ~vs~ KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Ryoji Sai


WRESTLE-1 tag team match - 2014.11.1 A new and unlikely team has emerged in WRESTLE-1 as Manabu Soya & AKIRA's alliance is formed following a series of events, including "Wild Detective" Manabu Soya accusing AKIRA of being a spy for the Desperado faction, and challenging him to a singles match where if AKIRA losses, it is then evidence of his guilt as a spy and if Soya himself lost, he would then take some responsibility for this claims. As a the result of AKIRA being victorious in their high-stakes singles bout, Soya attempted in quit WRESTLE-1 but AKIRA intervened, instead suggesting that they form a team, as AKIRA was impressed with Soya's simple and straightforward nature which gave him confidence in seeing Soya as a potential ally he could trust. Now after a recent "WILD training session", it's time to test out the legs of this team in their debut as partners, fittingly going against two members of the Desperado faction, which was initially the crux for these two coming together as opponents and then teammates.

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