Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Success Of Wrestling Past And Present (A Collaborated Article By The Staff Of WP&P)


Donnie Henderson-

I first want to give a shoutout to Paul Jordan and Mike Johnson of PWInsider, Eric Renner of Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online, Marc Middleton, Kellie Haulotte and Matthew Wilkinson of Wrestling Inc. Very nice to know that while some of you like to 'slam' this site, you have no problem taking things from 'here' so you can use them 'over there'. :)  The things you took were very obvious and the fact you posted those things very shortly AFTER it was posted HERE by one of us here at WP&P shows that you hate us, but you sure love us for the things you can get from us.

We do certainly enjoy your patronage here here to our site, and you really don't want us to prove you took stuff from us. As Bill likes to say Proof is, a mother fucker and we at WP&P can and will provide proof if need be.

The following Article is a collaboration by The staff of Wrestling Past And Present. Site Creater Bill Walkowitz, Gino Bradley and Donnie Henderson.

See that pic above? THAT is the latest example of why I, Gino Bradley wanted to have a wrestling news site I can put things on. PWInsider is supposed to be one of the main 'well known' wrestling news sites out there but look at what you get when you go to their site, that pic above.

Who wants to go to a site and see that? Raise your hands if you really like seeing ads pop up over headlines on a site. Come on, raise your hands. I didn't think so.

Acouple years ago I wanted to create a site, something that would be different than many of the sites that are out there. The PWInsiders, WrestlingInc's, Meltzer's site, NODQ Wrestling, Wrestlenation and the countless others that are on Facebook and Twitter. I knew Bill Walkowitz from when he was a tape trader and was working behind the scenes for World Wrestling Alliance New England. I also knew he was a writer for monthly dirt sheets that were out in the 90's like Wrestling Then And Now, Wrestling Edge, etc. as well as he contributed and had his picture in Wrestling World Magazine.

He was an administrator for a couple wrestling groups on Facebook which I had become a member of and had recently started a return to writing about wrestling again, writing again for a fanzine in Australia. His writing style always got attention and heat as he had a long beef with the late Dennis Coralluzzo, the late Gino Moore, Tommy Fierro and the New Jersey based NWA to where they had made harassing phone calls to Bill's house over a story he wrote about them getting caught using the names of The March of Dimes on their shows without permission. Bill recalls the story on his old Angelfire web page he no longer uses and here's a link to that story.

Now I knew that if I had Bill in on this project that he'd write what he felt, would pull no punches and wouldn't give a damn who got pissed at what he wrote. 

He was the guy I wanted for all them reasons, and then some. So I went to him with the idea, having no idea mind you how to actually create a site or, how to get one off the ground. 

The following is one of Bill's contribution to this story.

Bill Walkowitz

Gino came to me with this idea, and he came to me at the right time since an old friend of mine, the now, late Dale Pierce who was a manager in indie groups in Ohio, Arizona, California and before his death, Washington state, was badgering me to return to wrestling writing. I kept telling him that sites out there just cover the basics and don't really expand much and his answer was? “Make your own site then, you know how to get people's attention so show it can be done better by doing it yourself”.

Why Blogspot?

People have asked me over and over why did I pick Blogspot of all places and not just buy a domain? Why buy something when you can have something that's free (Blogspot), is real easy to post on, and is listed on several different search engines? I'll show you examples of the search engines this site is listed on.

Why 'pay' for something when something that's free gives you a free listing on search engines many people around the world use? Only a moron would do that. 

So after trying out a few different sites to build on I found Blogspot (or Blogger if you will) was the simplest to post things. I warned Gino (and later Donnie Henderson when he came aboard this project a couple months ago) that WWEE, are gonna get ALOT of heat for what we intend to do, and HOW we intend to do it. Because Gino asked what could we do that would stand out from all the other sites that basically churn out and rehash the same shit PWInsider, Meltzer and WrestlingInc put out? 

I put it simply.. “Do the one thing those other sites don't and won't do, which is EVERYTHING those other sites don't and won't do”. And we have done, just that.

Do the others post the clips from Cornette's podcast? Nope, Prichards Podcast? Nope, Bischoff's podcast? Nope.. Staff members of WrestlingInc actually WRITE OUT what Bischoff says (laughs out loud), why 'write it out' when people would rather watch the clip and HEAR Bischoff say it? 

It's the same thing when some staff writer at PWInsider would write up a report for say, Ohio Valley Wrestling, why do a write up when WWEE post the show when OVW posts it on YouTube? Who wants to 'read' a write up when they can actually WATCH the show instead somewhere else? Pretty simple logic really, but a logic some other sites can't seem to comprehend.

I mean sure, some 'marks' have said “all you guys do is mostly post videos”, but WHAT are we posting videos of? The stuff the other sites don't and won't post, and THAT, is where our niche has come. 

The other sites are too lazy to emphasize on indie wrestling. Hell, PWInsider has a site called “PWInsider Xtra” that USED to have indie stuff posted all the time, If WWEE or I, was able to run that site? It'd have more movement and views in one week than they've done in over three months with all the indie wrestling stuff we post here at WP&P. Right now that PWInsider Xtra looks like abandoned crack house because they've neglected it so much. 

So since there's so many different indie wrestling groups out there, we decided to be the 'voice' for indie wrestling. There's so many I myself enjoy watching, then there's the ones Donnie and Gino like as well, so we combined all that we like, and ones we happened to come across and post them all in one place, right here at WP&P. 

You'd be VERY SURPRISED at how many indie groups appreciate the fact that WWEE, will help give them exposure and get their product noticed by posting their matches, video hypes, etc. so the fact we post stuff from Japan, The UK, and all over the U.S. that the other sites don't seem to not want to be bothered with? Has enhanced our slogan of covering the widest variety of wrestling that NO OTHER site, can do or does. 

Add in the stuff from the past we also post and it truly covers a variety that no other site, ANYWHERE can come close to doing it how we do it.

Another thing we added to this site that no other site has the balls to do? CALL OUT other wrestling news sites when they fuck up, get a story wrong OR, get pissed because WWEE corrected them here and someone sent those sites a link to the story where we corrected or called them out. 

I always found it so fucking amusing that the owners of the other wrestling news sites we called out, especially Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer, when someone sends them a link to something we wrote about them? They argue and bitch at the person who sent them the link, BUT, have no balls to come to me or the other staff members of this site. or ion the case of Gino Bradley, he and Dave Sherer went at it on Twitter and after Scherer got 'checked' by Gino? Scherer snitched Gino out to Twitter and got em banned. Mike Johnson also reports or 'snitches' on people who have sent him links to stories here. 

Guess they can dish it out but when they get 'checked'? They snitch, LMAO!

Which is why we enjoyed writing this story thanking Facebook for banning this site from their platform.

All that did was further our 'rebel' or 'outlaw' reputation because we have the balls to do what others won't do and that's call the other sites out on their shit. 

Here's a nice list of all the things we've done on Meltzer, WrestlingInc, PWInsider. You can go deep dive into the many things we've posted here on them, which includes emails sent to us from people that Scherer and Mike Johnson sent to people thinking those people were me (LMAO!) which shows you what dipshits they really are.

Just because we got kicked from Twitter and banned from Facebook because we told the truth about other wrestling news sites, and openly invited any of them to come debate what we wrote with me personally and they never did or gave others who called em out to come brace me, or Gino, nothing short of an encyclopedia of excuses? Hasn't hurt us one bit, in fact our viewer numbers have gone up BECAUSE we got kicked from them platforms which again shows our reputation for doing what no other site had the balls to do. 

Here's proof of how well our viewer numbers are and how this site HAS, become a success thanks to how we do things here. This was taken 90 seconds ago and these are the number of viewers that have come to this site in the last hour.

So contrary to what Mike Johnson and Dave Sherer have said about this site 'being a joke', the numbers show indeed that those claims of theirs are a joke. 

Being 'the voice' for indie wrestling that the other sites don't want to be has become our strength. Meltzer from time to time on his site will claim that 'it's a slow week for wrestling', maybe for HIM it is but as anyone who comes this site on a regular basis sees, we post plenty of stuff every day, so we have no fucking idea what Meltzer means when he claims it's a 'slow week'. Maybe translated it means he's too lazy to find something cause he's used top people just handing him stuff. 

Between Donnie, Gino and myself we subscribe to over 500 YouTube channels, so everyday there's plenty of stuff for us to post here. Which is why somedays all day long things are being posted by all of us. It doesn't matter who's posting what, it's WHAT'S being posted that counts. It's a team effort from all three of us and the success of this site is because of the format we do, which is what I was doing as an admin on acouple of FB wrestling groups anyway. I just took and tweaked the formula and with Gino and Donnie adding stuff it's become a formula for success. 

A success that is thanks to you people coming and enjoying what we post. We do thank you and appreciate the fact you take the time to go out of your way to visit this site.

Now we'll finish this off with what Donnie wanted to add to this article.

Donnie Henderson-

I first became a contributor here at Wrestling Past And Present thanks to my long time friendship with Gino Bradley. Gino showed me the site Bill created and I love the fact the language in whatever opinions are added to stories posted is whatever we feel like saying. Having the creative freedom to say it however we want to say it and not having to answer to some oversensitive editor or owner crying saying "YOU CAN'T WRITE THAT LIKE THAT" is a nice breath of fresh air. 

I'm the one who posts the tings about Deadlock Pro Wrestling since I'm a fan of that company and go to many of their shows. So to give them some exposure is a great thing and add the fact when I asked what else can I post and the answer was 'pretty much, just about anything you want", has been cool as well.

I know this site isn't the most well known, but it is known, and while I may not always agree with what or how Bill writes things, or sometimes smacks other sites? The results from him doing it I can see it with the attention it brings every time he does it. I contribute to this as a hobby but I appreciate the fact I can post things here that people will see. 

I also noticed how PWInsider and WrestlingInc have 'changed' some of how or what they won't post anymore because this site covers it better. I noticed a big change when PWInsider got caught falsely advertising things for their paid elite membership that anyone could see for free on YouTube. You can see what I mean by clicking this link here. The first time I saw that I was like "Whoa, that took some balls" but after seeing how I personally emailed Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer about it and they ducked the issue every way they could. Here's a screen grab of where I called Mike Johnson to prove the allegation wrong. He never did, and never answered back after I called him out to prove it.

If we were wrong you would think he would've been very quick to prove it. But since he didn't and never answered back after I asked him twice more to prove it? What does that tell you, he knew he was busted.

Here's a screen grab of an email from Dave Scherer, his explanation about Alexa rating is funny as hell as he really thinks people whop read wrestling news really give a flying fuck about an Alexa rating.

Someone please tell Scherer that that? isn't even a factor but nice try though.

People want content, and want a variety of it, not whether a site has a stupid Alexa rating or not. Scherer's logic is the logic of a moron.

I want to thank Gino for asking me to be part of Wrestling Past And Present. I believe all three of us will continue to bring you the widest variety of wrestling stuff out there, and the fact that no other wrestling site does like we do? Makes me happy that they don't do it like we do because that is what makes us stand out and get more viewers by the week. 

When the others can't do it, just create a way to do it the way they won't and you'll stand apart from the pack every time.

Wrestling Past And Present is a prime example of that fact. 

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