Monday, January 31, 2022

The "Brilliance" of New Japan Pro Wrestling (You Just Can't, Make This Stupid Sh*t Up)


It sure does take some talent, some REAL 'talent' to do something this stupid and then stand by it. BUT, that's indeed what New Japan Pro Wrestling has done.

Here's a screen grab of the latest hype video they just posted, hyping that they're coming to Chicago in April.

The link to it is here.

Now if you go to that video, and scroll down you'll see this link. 

Now what happens when you CLICK that link?

THIS, is what you get.

Now why the fuck would a promotion be so dumb to put a link that isn't even in use yet? It makes no sense and shows you just how, stupid some people really are.

What's EVEN MORE STUPID? Is the fact NJPW is apparently standing behind this decision to be this stupid.

As you'll see here, a staff member from here at WP&P brought this issue up, and THIS, was their response to it. 

Gotta love how they want to stand their ground on making a dumb ass decision.

You just can't, make this kind of dumb shit up, you just can't.

Good job New Japan Pro Wrestling. Stand your ground on being stupid. 'top notch' decision making there (sarcastic 'thumbs up')

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