Saturday, January 15, 2022

Since PWInsider STILL Can't Plug Something Correctly, WE'LL Once Again Show Them How It's Done.


Talk about being f*cking lazy. 

TWENTY FOUR HOURS LATER and Mike Johnson STILL, has decided to be too lazy to fix his own mistake, LMAO! Just like it took him twelve hours and several people emailing and messaging him outting him publicly before he fixed it the last time he screwed up. Which is a story we covered here.

Must be a PWInsiderism to just stand by your mistake and take your sweet time in fixing it. Gotta love the high level of 'professionalism' they have over there at PWInsider, LOL. 

Look at How Mike Johnson at PWInsider 'tried' to plug the new Episode of NWA USA.

Yeah, you can tell he didn't bother, to check his story after he posted it. because had he not been so lazy he would've seen what I just posted.

Nice try Mikey, nice try.

So since Mike Johnson AGAIN, can't get it right. WE here at Wrestling Past And Present will AGAIN, show Mike how it's done.

Maybe if you tried it, THIS WAY, you wouldn't look like a moron right now.

Here you Mike, try it this way.

Feel free to come on over to WP&P and take notes, anytime Mike. Because the more you keep fucking up and the more WE keep doing it right, shows why WE, are getting more and more, of YOUR audience and viewers. 

You can go ahead and thank us for showing the proper way to plug something. 

By the way, here's a like to that NWA show.

You're welcome, as always, it's ALWAYS our pleasure to provide this service (smiles).

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