Wednesday, January 5, 2022

PWInsider Busted YET AGAIN For Falsely Advertising Something On Their "Elite" Service That's On YouTube For Free

 Every time Mike Johnson at PWInsaider tries this, he gets busted. We took a deep dive into this matter of blatant false advertising by him on his site here, where after his latest attempt was caught and made pubklic knowledge we went thru the whole series of times we here at WP&P busted him on this tactic.

I guess times are hard trying to keep those 'Elite Memberships' that you have to resort to false advertising, eh Mikey? 

So as you see by the screen grab above, Mike Johnson aftwer allk this getting caught, STILL hasn't learned his lesson and yes, again, he's been caught. 

Let's break it down how easy it was TO catch this, and show why Mr. Johnson should actually STOP trying this tactic since it's proven over and over again to be an obvious failure.

Someone sent us this screen grab (same as you see above) 

Somehing told us this was bullshit, and 'WOULDN'T YOU KKKNNOOWW' after some real easy checking? It was INDEED bullshit.

One look over at YouTube and WHAT was over there? THIS.

The VERY SAME place where Mike Johnson got his "EXCLUSIVE" from.

DAMN, how easy is it to get busted? TOO EASY.

All Mike did was participate in the Impact "press poass" then tried to pass it off as something 'exclusive'.

Shame shame Mikeypoo, shame you refuse to learn this lesson and have to keep getting publicly outted every time you try this. 

To show you how dumb Mike is? IMPACT hyped this up as well.

How fucking stupid does Mike Johnson think people are? The only stupid one Mike, is the guy you see, when you look in the mirror.

So again this begs the question we here at WP&P keep asking, but can't seem to get an answer to.

WHY PAY for an alleged 'Elite Membership" when content they 'claim' is exclusive is available for free on YouTube?

Only a fucking moron would do that. 

But since this ISN'T as 'exclusive' as Mike Johnson and PWInsider would lead you to believe it is. Here's not one, BUT TWO places right on YouTube where you can see this same er, ahem 'exclusive' content' that PWInsider is hyping to their Elite Members.

AND, here.

I know this is gonna be sent to PWInsaider and I hope it is,. the sooner they stop trying this scam? The sooner they stop being busted every time they try this scam.

Hell of a concept, eh?

Too bad Mike Johnson isn't smart enough, to smarten up.

Until he does, he'll keep getting busted out in public like this. And it'll continue to be OUR PLEASURE, to keep doing it.

You can go ahead and thank us now. At least we have the balls to do this, no other place has them kind of balls. 

Message to Mike Johnson. We told you last time we busted you need to stop falsely advertising things like this because you're not good enough to get away with it.

Guess what, you're STILL not good enough. 

Nice impression he gives as a represenitive of his own 'well known' wrestling news site, huh. 

"True professionalism" there. top notch (sarcastic 'thumbs up')

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