Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Jonathan Gresham Explains How “So Many Guys Are Trying To Be Kenny Omega”

 Ring Of Honor World Champion Jonathan Gresham was a recent guest on Talk Is Jericho where he discussed what he has learned from becoming a promoter. Gresham will be running the Terminus show, and he has seen different sides of people already.

“The one thing I’ve really been taken aback by is the other side of my colleagues and my co-workers that I just never knew about. Some people are very aggressive,” he revealed. “Some people can really be like a good brother and want to help out. I am seeing the good and bad of a lot of people that I’ve respected and spent a lot of time with over the years. So, that’s interesting I guess.

“But just, what goes into it, you have to be a special person to have a passion to promote professional wrestling. I definitely want to thank all the men and women that do it consistently,” he said. “Because it is a job. All-day, everyday job.”

Jonathan Gresham also spoke about the current independent wrestling scene. He believes too many people just want the gratification. However, he singled out Danhausen as someone who is doing things the way he wants, which he thinks is good.

“I think everybody wants that instant gratification. Very few guys are wanting to produce wrestling and do wrestling the way that they want. I think Danhausen is a guy that is doing wrestling the way he wants,” he stated.”Before he was just chasing the booking. Now he’s enjoying wrestling, and I think more guys if they do that, I think the indies will be hotter than ever. Because you won’t have a carbon copy of the same guys.”

Jonathan Gresham went into more detail about this. He spoke about how too many people are trying to be just like Kenny Omega or Jay Lethal. He wants people to do wrestling with what they see in their own mind.

“To me, there are so many guys, and I’m not talking ill of anyone one, but I feel like there are so many guys trying to be Kenny Omega. So many guys trying to be The Young Bucks,” he added. “And I understand, those guys are amazing. It happened at Ring Of Honor where guys come in literally being Jay Lethal.

“And like, we already have Jay Lethal, you can’t be doing Jay Lethal’s stuff,” he said. “So you’re not impressing anyone by doing it, you’re just kind of taking up people’s time now. I just want to encourage people to do wrestling the way they see it in their minds.”

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