Thursday, January 13, 2022

Joey Janela Gets 'Checked' by MLW COO MSL

 On today’s The Wrestling Inc. Daily, Wrestling Inc. Managing Edito Nick Hausman spoke with MLW COO MSL. During the conversation, the MLW executive responded to recent comments made by Joey Janela where he publicly backed WWE in an anti-trust lawsuit that MLW has filed against them.

Janela responded to a tweet yesterday about the case with the following, “This dude has ‘No GCW’ written into his new contracts because I called him out for taking advantage of young talent. I hope the titan puts em out. I know it’s the cool thing to support the underdog taking on the big dog, but this ain’t it…”

Hausman asked MSL if he would like to respond to Janela and he was quick to give his opinion.

“Well, I did see him say something, he’s just trying to look out for young wrestlers. Is he looking out for young wrestlers when he’s drinking at shows and giving them concussions? I wonder about that,” he added. “But also, I think there’s a lot of false info out there.

“I have personally scouted, negotiated, and signed every single wrestler in MLW. So if anybody wants to complain about a contract, you come to me,” he said. “And the outdated info that is used to criticize us is early contracts, is from five years ago when we had 300 fans in a nightclub in Orlando.”

MSL continued to talk about the situation, claiming that Joey Janela is a sellout. He believes that he is kissing the ass of billionaires while stating that he has major heat within All Elite Wrestling.

“I think Joey Janela, who is a corporate sell-out, who has massive heat in AEW because he’s unprofessional. He desperately wants to go to WWE, so he’s kissing the ass of billionaires,” MSL said. “He doesn’t care how many wrestlers get screwed over, have opportunities taken away.

“If he wants to make more money, companies have to grow so they can pay more money,” he said “So, he’s basically rooting for other companies to shrink and then have to pay less money. He’s a hypocrite, he’s a poser, and that’s really the real deal on Joey Janela.”

MSL then claimed that there has never been a relationship between MLW and GCW. MSL added that they are trying to paint them out as the enemy, which is why he has to come out and make comments as people have unfair views on them.

“There’s never been a relationship because I’ve reached out many times,” MSL revealed. “I’d like there to be friendly terms with everybody. They’re not interested. They’ve decided to interfere with us, they’ve decided to be hostile towards us, they want us to build stars while they criticize us, and then go use those stars.

“The offer has always been out there for everybody to get along, but they want the bad boy image so they need an enemy, right? So, they unfairly paint us as an enemy,” he stated. “Wrestling fans want to watch wrestling. If you lie to them about contracts, if you lie to them about behind-the-scenes stuff, f I take the high road and say nothing, the lies go unchallenged. So, I think people have a very unfair view of us."

This isn't the first time ol "Jelly" has come out looking like a complete dumb ass.

There's this story here that we covered.

Then there's THIS story where a staff member here at Wrestling Past And Present punked and 'checked' Joey so bad he had to run and hide behind a 'block' like a bitch. Cause he was out right STUPID ENOUGH to say, this..

THAT, got us to confront him on Twitter and after he realized he was getting owned and 'checked', he did this..

You can see how that happened right here.

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